Chapter 7: I Think It's Fate

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Enjoy lovelies :) 😄

Chapter 7

Justine's Pov:

Right now, I was on my way to the hospital with Jamie to get her bandage removed. I went last week and they said her head injury wasn't that bad and that I could come back today to get it taken off. As soon as I checked her in and went into the room, I saw Craig setting up all his utensils to remove her bandage. When he saw us he smiled right way. Gosh why is this man so beautiful?

"Justine hey, how you doing?" He asked me. "Fine just here to get Jamie's bandage removed." I told him. "Okay, and how are you doing today lil cutie?" He asked Jamie while smiling and pinching her cheeks. She just giggled away. "I'm great Dr. Crippen." She said smiling so big with her two front teeth missing. I smiled at her, she's so cute. He laughed at her then picked her up and put her on the bed.

When he was done removing her bandage, he gave her a lollipop. "Here you go sweetie, since you were so good, you get a lollipop." He told her. "Tank you Dr. Crippen." She said while opening up the lollipop. He smiled at her. "Your welcome sweetheart." He told her back. "Mommy can I go play please?" She asked eagerly. I had to think about it cause I wasn't to sure if I wanted to stay around Craig for to long. "Umm sure sweetie but for only an hour okay." I told her. "Yayyyy." She yelled just running away to the play room.

I couldn't help but smile.

When I turned around, I saw Craig staring at me deeply. "Soo, how's it going?" I asked him nervously. "Can I ask you something?" He asked me out of the blue. "Umm sure, of course." I told him. "Let's go to my office." He told me. "Okay." And I followed him to his office.

When we got in his office he told me to sit on the couch. Then he removed his coat, and sat down next to me. And very close at that. "Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners, do you want anything?" He asked me. "No thank you I'm fine." I told him. "Okay."

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked him. He sighed deeply. "I want to know why you think of me the way you do." He said. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Because I know it's true. I can just look at you and tell right away that your like all those other guys out there." I told him seriously. "No I'm not. Have you ever heard of don't judge a book by it's cover?" He asked me. I sighed. "Yes I have but it's so hard to trust any and every man around, so I just keep my standards up and don't trust any man." I told him truthfully.

He just looked at me like he was trying to figure me out or something. I turned my head away from him. He grabbed my chin and turned by head back around and looked into my eyes. "Let me prove you wrong, I promise you I'm not like those other guys." He told me softly. I shook my head. "I'm sorry but I'm not taking any chances. I'm struggling very badly and I have a child to care for and the last thing I need is heartbreak." I told him leaving his office.

I went and told Jamie it was time to go. Craig had came up to us when we we're about to leave out the door. "Wait! Please just let me prove to you I'm not like that." He said. Wait, is he begging me? "Why are you begging me? You probably got another chick waiting for you already." I told him giving him a scowl. "No I don't and I'm begging you because I really want to prove to you that I'm not like that. Can I please at least get your number or anything?" He asked. I slightly smiled. "How about this if we see each other a few times after this, then maybe it was meant to be, then you can have my number and maybe we could go on a date. If we don't see each other after this, then I guess your just shit out of luck, okay. Bye Craig." I told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and left with Jamie.

I'm not gone see him again, trust me we we're NOT meant to be.

Craig's Pov:

When she walked away, I stood there very confused. I sure do hope I see her stubborn ass again, I like her way to damn much.

After work, I was driving home and got hungry so I went to McDonald's to get something to eat. When I walked inside, you won't believe who I saw. Justine. She and Jamie we're sitting at a table eating. I smiled and walked up to her. "Well look who we have here." I said. She turned around and looked super shocked about seeing me. "Dr. Crippen!!!" Jamie shouted very loudly, making people look in our direction. "Is there a problem?!" Justine asked the people and they just turned back around. "Jamie what did I tell you about yelling inside?" Justine asked Jamie. "Use your inside voice." Jamie said back. "Exactly." She said. "I sowwy mommy." Jamie said back. "It's okay sweetie, now finish up your food." She said smiling at her. Then Jamie continued eating. I can tell she's a softy when it comes to kids.

I went and ordered my food then sat next to Justine in the booth. "So is it meant to be yet." I asked her while smiling. "No, it's just a coincidence that we happened to both get hungry and come to McDonald's to eat." She said. I rolled my eyes, coincidence my ass. "Okay sure it is." I said back.

When I got home I just hit the haysack right away. The next day I remembered of how lonely I was getting at home, so I finally went to go get me a dog. I had picked out a very cute poodle, I'm going to name it Coco. As I was walking out the door with my new dog, guess who I saw, Justine. Apparently, a stray dog was in front of there house, so they brung him to the pound. Well Jamie insisted that they came, Justine was just gone leave it alone. Now you can't tell me this is coincidence, this is meant to be and I told her that, but her being her stubborn self, she denied and said it was another coincidence. Yeah right.

Two days later, Jacob told me to come over his place to hang out since we barely do that. Now let me tell y'all this cause this gone blow y'all mind....

Justine lives here!!!... I know right, freaking mind blowing. Her best friend, Crystal, is Jacob's wife. I've known them for years, I can't believe that they knew Justine and have known her for years too. The look on her face when she saw me was undescribable. She knew that this wasn't just a coincidence anymore.

This was meant to be, actually I think it's fate.

A/N: I had to make up to y'all with that short chapter I did yesterday. I was going to upload this last night but I got tired and feel asleep. I hope y'all liked this chapter. Aww Craig and Justine we're meant to be, Justine just need to stop being so stubborn. Let's see what's going to happen between them ;) 😉 Sorry for mistakes.

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