chapter 2

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The bell rang, it meant they may go home now. Yongsun couldn't feel any happier. She packed her bag and ready to go.

"Yeay finally!" ,she stood up. And then suddenly youngjae grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going? Do you have any plans?" , youngjae asked.

"umm yeah, I need to hurry up.. My brother wants to introduce his friend to me" , Yongsun explained and smiled to him.

"is it a boy?" , youngjae's a bit protective. he didn't want yongsun to get hurt by anyone. He knew almost all of her friends. that's why he asked.

"yes! and don't worry, he won't hurt me, he's my brother's friend after all.. bye youngjae I have to go now" , yongsun released his hand and then ran to the school's gate. she left youngjae in the class. when she arrived at the school's gate, Joshua was already there, waiting inside the car on the passenger seat at the back. she quickly went inside the car.

"josh!" , she hugged her brother.

"hey, let's go now" , she nodded excited. Joshua told the driver to go now.

"are you that excited huh?" , he ruffled his sister's hair.

"yes of course! I really want to have a friend that's a composer!" , she gave him a wide grin. he chuckled with yongsun's act. It's good if woozi and her sister could be friend. woozi's a nice guy, he would be a good friend for yongsun. or maybe more than that? haha ,Joshua thought.

"well, you'll have one soon" , Joshua made her more excited. They've arrived in front of woozi's apartment. As they went in to the lift, yongsun felt nervous. how if she couldn't be friend with woozi? how if woozi felt annoyed with hers existence? she couldn't stop thinking.

"yah no need to feel nervous, he's a nice guy and you two are at the same age" , joshua slung his arm on her shoulder to made her calmer.

"I'm scared if I annoyed him.."

"you won't, yongsun.. let's go we're here" , Joshua gave his angelic smile. They stood in front of woozi's room. not long after Joshua pressed the bell, woozi opened the door. he wore a blue sweater and short pants. cute, she thought.

"hyung! what are you doing here?" , woozi embraced Joshua with smile.

"I want to introduce you to someone" , joshua said and then yongsun bowed to woozi. Woozi bowed back.

"oh okay, let's come in first.. sorry if it's messy, I'm so busy making our new songs. I haven't tidied my room yet hehe" , woozi let them in with his wide smile. Yongsun felt like she had met woozi before, but where?when? she couldn't remember.

"it's okay! aigoo it's holiday and you're still working" , they sat on a sofa. Joshua sat in the middle of woozi and yongsun.

"so here, she is my sister!" , joshua introduced yongsun and then yongsun smiled to woozi.

"annyeong, I'm yongsun" , she bowed a little.

"I'm woozi.. hmm I think I've seen you before?" , he said and then smiled. his smile was surely so cute.

"oh seriously? I thought like that too, but I don't know where or when?" she said and she felt calmer as woozi greet her with smile before.

"hmm.." , he tried to remember, "oh! this morning I bumped to a girl! I just remember it's you!"

"oh so that guy was you!" , yongsun said and her mouth made an O shape.

"so you guys bumped to each other this morning?" , Joshua finally spoke again.

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