chapter 9

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It's so exciting to have a bonfire with a lot of people. 15 people to be exact. Yes, seungcheol's cousin had arrived right after yongsun finished showering.

The night breeze felt so cold but it's a comfortable cold. They sat in a circle and they sang some songs to begin the bonfire event.

"I will play the guitar!" , Jisoo beamed happily.

"Let's sing adore you, guys" , hoshi gave the idea. He always has a bunch of ideas inside his head.

They ended singing their own song, adore you. While they sang it, woozi couldn't help it to stare at yongsun. He tried not to, but his eyes kept darted to her side. She's just so beautiful. They sat across each other. Separated by the bonfire. Yongsun didn't realize woozi had been looking at her, she kept singing and laughing when hoshi and seungkwan made some jokes.

Her laugh is so beautiful. Everything in her is beautiful.

Woozi didn't know why that evening he admired yongsun's beauty so much. Once yongsun looked at his side, he quickly darted his eyes to the bonfire.

After they sang some songs, they suggested to do truth or dare game. It sounded fun, so they played along.

"I will go first! I choose dare" , mingyu said.

"Hmm, kiss wonwoo on his cheeks" , seungkwan gave him the dare. They just laughed along because, damn meanie couple is real.

"Ah it's so easy!" , he kissed wonwoo who sat beside him. Wonwoo seemed startled at first, but he just shrugged it off. Like it's just an usual thing.

"Okay now your turn, seungcheol hyung's cousin" , seokmin demanded.

"I have name, Nayeon! I choose truth" , she's seungcheol's cousin. And she was born in 1997. So the same year as seokmin,mingyu,and minghao. She acted a bit like btch. And the way she talked it's so annoying. Actually, they didn't really like it when she joined them. But since she's seungcheol's cousin, so they tried to enjoy her existance. Seungcheol himself realized nayeon acted a bit like btch but he knew nayeon actually is a fun person. Just a little bit annoying.

"Okay nayeon, who is the person that you adore the most in here?" , seokmin asked the question. Nayeon looked at all of them while she's thinking.

"Hmmm" , her eyes stopped at woozi, "woozi oppa" , she smirked.

"Woah daebak woozi hyung!! She adores you!!" , seungkwan who sat beside woozi, shaking him exitedly. While woozi just rolled his eyes, not interested. If it's yongsun who said that, I would be happy. He said inside his heart. Meanwhile , yongsun who heard that just kept her head hung low. She felt...jealous? She just admit that she had feelings for woozi. And then came nayeon who adored him. Adore and crush don't have much difference,right? She thought by herself. She felt even worse, because nayeon is a beautiful and cute girl with her rabbit teeth. Yongsun thought nayeon was much more pretty than her. She sighed out loud. Still, no one noticed her sigh.

"Now, your turn yongsun!" , joshua said to his sister.
"H-huh? Oh I choose truth" , she faked a smile.

"Same question as nayeon, who do adore the most in here?" , she didn't know if she should tell the truth or no. She just didn't want woozi to know about her feelings, yet.

"Of course it's my brother" , she said out loud. Proud with her creative idea. Woozi looked at her disappointed.

"Lame answer, yongsun" , hoshi rolled his eyes. But she didn't care.

"It's the truth, though. Anyway, I want to go to enjoy the beautiful night view. Excuse me" , she stood up and left the bonfire. They just let her to, because she had already done her truth.

She walked to the other side of the beach. Enjoying the night view. She sat on a bench and inhaled deeply.

"What a beautiful view" , she smiled and closed her eyes.

"Not as beautiful as you", suddenly she heard someone behind her back. She turned around, and it's him. Lee Jihoon.

"You startled me" , she pouted and he sat beside her.

"I'm sorry" , he said and gave her his wide grin.

Thump thump thump

"It's okay.. why are you here?" , her heart beating fastly everytime he gave her his wide grin. It's so cute.

"Enjoying the night view" , he looked at the sky and inhaled deeply. Just like what she did before.

"But the bonfire hasn't finished yet", she said while adoring his cute face.

"I know"

"Nayeon might need you there" , she blurted out and regret what had she said.

"What?" , woozi said teasing her. She's sure woozi had heard it.

"Nothing!" , she said nervously. She could feel her cheeks became warmer. Glad that it's night, so he couldn't see her reddened cheeks.

"I heard you said nayeon" , he smirked to her.

"W-what? Nayeon? I didn't.." she tried to deny it.

"Why with nayeon? Are you perhaps...." , before he could finish his sentence, she cut him off.

"No!! I'm not jealous at all!" , she blurted again. Great yongsun. You just ruined your moment.

"I didn't even say you're jealous. Okay then I take that as you're jealous" , he chuckled to her behave.

"Ugh" , she closed her face with both of her palms, embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay. But you don't need to be jealous" , he took her hand and intertwined both of their hands. OMG I CAN'T BREATHE WHAT IS HE DOING , yongsun screamed in her head. She's startled with his skinship.

"She just adores me. That's all. I don't have any feelings toward her" ,he smiled genuinely, "a girl that interested in producing musics is much more attractive than a girl who likes to shopping and doing girly stuff like nayeon"

"O-oh" , that's all she could say. DID HE SAY I'M MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN NAYEON? , yongsun thought by herself. She quickly looked down and didn't dare enough to make eye contact with woozi. She couldn't control her heart beat.

"You're jealous right?" , he said once again.

"A bit.." , she said truthfully.

"Why are you jealous?"

"Don't know, I can't control my feelings" , she dared herself to look him at his eyes. He detached their intertwined hands and cup her face with both of his hands.

"Yongsun, this might be so sudden and too fast. But, I.. started to like you" , he came closer to her face. She closed her eyes, thinking he would kiss her lips. But instead he kissed her forehead.

"I need joshua hyung's permission first to kiss you" , they both chuckled.

"I like you too" , she finally answered happily. She felt all of the loads inside her heart had been released. She felt so relieved. So did he. He hugged her tightly and smiled widely.

"Don't be jealous with nayeon" , he teased her again.

"Enough" , she slapped his back and they both laughed.

"From now, call me jihoon not woozi. It's my stage name"

"Fine. How about woozi oppa?" , as he heard that he broke the hug and cringed.

"You better don't. It's so cheesy" , she laughed by his expression.

"I won't. I don't even call Josh with oppa." , she smiled happily.


Hello everyone sorry for the late update again. Lol
Hope you like this chapter as much as the previous chapters!! Don't forget to comment and vote. It means a lot for me hehe
Thankyou so much for your understanding, because I always take a long time to update new chapter ahskaldkdks

He looks so great just as always
Ugh I love him

Don't forget to comment and give me your votes❤

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