chapter 4

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Yongsun quickly got up from his bed. Hearing that girl called woozi with his real name, Jihoon, she started to think that this girl must be someone special. Or maybe she's the owner of this clothes.

Knock knock

"Jihoon? Are you in there?" , yongsun opened the door to see the girl. She let out a soft smile.

"He's inside his working room" ,she said and pointed to woozi's working room.

"Oh thankyou! Who are you anyway?" , asked this girl with confused and curious expression.

"I-i'm his friend"

"Oh you must be close with him, aren't you?" , yongsun's frowned. Thinking that this girl might be jealous but nah. She gave her a wide grin. And she looked extremely beautiful. Who is this girl might be

"N-not really.." , yongsun didn't even understand the reason she's stuttering. It just happened.

"By the way I'm Hayeong! Nice to meet you! You seem nice" , she gave yongsun her hand for shake hand.

"I'm Yongsun.. and nice to know you too" , she replied with smile.

Woozi heard some noise from his bedroom, so he decided to take a look. He's a bit of surprised to see Hayeong came. Hayeong is his best friend since they're still 5 years old. They grew up together. Hayeong used to come often and even sleep in his house. But because he's busy with his schedule, they rarely met each other.
The fact that hayeong came make him happy. He run to Hayeong and hugged her immediately.

"Hayeong!!! I miss you!" , he sounded a lot like a girl. But he truly missed Hayeong.

Meanwhile Yongsun stood there, awkward. She didn't know why, but she felt her heart dropped to see this scene. She wanted to escape from these two people. Who are having their own times, she thought. She knew she shouldn't be there so she walked to the kitchen and sat there.

"So he has a girlfriend after all.. huh" , she let out a sigh. "None of my bussiness tho" ,she sipped in her orange juice.

"Curse you ,Josh. You should've picked me up yesterday!! Argh" , she ruffled her hair in frustation. Oops nope, I'm not frustated. Nope. Nope. Not just because of the presence of Hayeong.


On the other hand, Hayeong broke the hug. Looking at him curiously.

"Got a new girlfriend huh?" , she smirked.

"What did you mean? You just got here and talking nonsense", he let out a tongue to her. "You didn't even tell me that you're going to come"

"Stop complaining, Jihoon. You're getting older ugh. And I'm not talking nonsense!! That girl, Yongsun? Why is she here if she's not your girl friend? You don't usually talk with other girls except me" , she asked with curiousity.

"Are you being jealous or protective right now?" ,he pinched her nose playfully.

"nah! Just curious. I'm glad if you've finally found your girl"

"I know you are. But she's just my friend's sister. She's here because she wants to learn about producing musics with me. That's it!" , he explained briefly.

"Ohh I see. I bet you two will end up together! Yeay my boy Jihoon finally!" , little did she know, actully woozi had a little crush with Hayeong. He liked hayeong's cuteness so much. But he knew they wouldn't be more than friend, since Hayeong has her own boyfriend, Mark. So he just gave up with his little crush. But hearing her said my boy Jihoon, made his heart thumping.

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