chapter 5

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yongsun woke up from her sleep and looked at the clock. 6:00 am.

she went out to take a bath and then she approached her brother who was making breakfast for them. It's been a habit to wake up early for the siblings.

"good morning, Josh!" , she sat on the coffee table.

"hey you've awaken! good morning" , he turned his head to greet his sister.

"are you making omelets?"

"yeah, as usual. what are you hoping me to make anyway?" , he chuckled.

"nothing, your omelet is the best" , she gave her thumbs to her brother.

"here, omelets are ready! let's eat" , he placed the omelets on the coffee table.

"thankyou for the meal" , they ate deliciously.

"anyway, I have a plan that you might love"

"what is it? going to church?" , she chuckled and received a knock on her head. "kidding josh! auch!"

"going to church is a must! I have a plan to go to Busan and spend three days there" , yongsun kept eating her omelet, not interested with her brother's plan.

"and then? are you asking me to join you? I'm too lazy"

"but I thought you'll join because all of seventeen members will join too" , she choked on her food.

"hey be careful!" , Joshua gave her a cup of water.

"thankyou, and what? all of seventeen members will be there?"

"yeah, woozi will be there, to be exact" , Joshua smirked to her sister and yongsun slapped his arm.

"yah so what if woozi will be there too. I'll think about it" , she drank the water and looked away from her brother.

"it's a deal then. you'll join us to Busan" , he ruffled his sister's hair.

"I haven't decided yet!!" , she shouted but Josh ran away to his bedroom to send his members a message and let his members know that his sister will join too.


Joshua : guys, my sister will join

s.coups : what?

Jeonghan : join what?

Joshua : the three days trip to Busan

Hoshi : really!?!

Seungkwan : wow that's exciting, please introduce me to her

DK : I bet she doesn't want to

Hoshi : yep, just introduce her to me

woozi : really?? she wants to join? great then

Joshua : yeah, and don't try to mess with her, I warn you hoshi and seungkwan.

wonwoo : as long as mingyu joins, I'll join too

mingyu : you sound gay tbh

vernon : I know I'm only seventeen but I'll join anyway

Seungkwan : that's not necessary vernon

Jun : I'll join the trip too

Dino : how old is she ,hyung?

Minghao : I'll join!

woozi : the same age as me

Hoshi : woah cool, it means she's the same age as me too

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