chapter 6

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It's already 6:00 am. They need to go to Busan early, so they can spend more times in Busan.

Joshua was already wide awake and he's making breakfast as usual. After he had finished, he went to yongsun's room to woke her up. But for his surprise, yongsun wasn't there. And she couldn't be found anywhere at the house.

Joshua started to panic. He thought yongsun was kidnapped, so he called yongsun immediately.

Tutt tutt

"Hello?" , yongsun sounded so fine.

"Yongsun? Where are you?!"

"I'm at the grocery shop. Why Josh??" ,hearing that Joshua let out a relieved sigh.

"You scared me. I thought you're kidnapped" , yongsun chuckled because of her brother's thought.

"Of course not. I just need to buy some stuff here"

"Why so early?" , oh right. It's still too early to go to the grocery shop. Actually she could go to the grocery shop after breakfast.

"A-ah.. it's because I couldn't sleep well last night" , yongsun told the truth, "so I woke up super early today and I decided to go to the grocery shop"

"I bet you're too excited for today. Okay then go back safely!" , uh oh it's not because of today, but because of 'the hug' ,she thought.


She kept smiling like a creep everytime she remembered being hugged by woozi.

"Oh? Yongsun?" , she heard someone called her name. She turned to her side and by her surprise, it's him.

"O-oh hi!" , she's startled a bit by his sudden presence.

"What's with that smile huh?" , he chuckled.

"Nothing! Just feel good" , she smiled.

"Have you done with the groceries shopping?" , he looked at the shopping basket that she brought. It's almost full of snacks.

"Yeah almost done, how about you?"

"I just came here.. are you going to leave now?" , he asked a little bit disappointed. Because he actually wanted to do the grocery shopping together. It would be fun, he thought.

"I see, and yes I need to leave now.. I haven't done packing my things. Sorry I can't wait for you" , she sounded a little bit sad. She, too, actually wanted to wait for him. But she hadn't done packing and they would meet again later tho.

"It's okay! See you later then" ,he gave her his very cute grin and it made her heart racing. She didn't even know why.

"S-see you" , she sounded stupid because of stuttering. She turned her body and went to the cashier quickly. She could feel her cheeks became warmer.


After she had done packing, she went to approach Joshua. She couldn't wait to go to Busan. More like she couldn't wait to meet him.

"Josh, what time are we going to go?" , she asked in curious.

"5 minutes more. Aigoo our little yongsun is really impatient,huh?" , he ruffled his little sister's long-brown hair.

"Aish, what are we waiting for?" , she asked in annoyed tone.

Suddenly their bell rang.

"He is here. Let's go! We can go now" ,he walked to the door.

"Who-- oh" , before she could finish her words, Joshua had opened wide the door, revealing someone that yongsun didn't expect at all to be here.

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