chapter 8

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As how woozi told her, she wore a starbucks tanktop with shortpants. It's better than bikini right? And woozi was happy because yongsun obeyed him.

Yongsun thought playing at the beach was never this fun. She felt like she could relieved all of her stress because of school. Eventhough she was the only girl there, she still could have fun with the boys. Until the day getting darker, they watched sunset together.

'This is so beautiful" , woozi stood beside her and spoke beside her ears. Giving chills to her.

"Yeah, I love the view" , yongsun smiled and when she turned her face to see him, she realized how beautiful was woozi's side view. What am I thinking, she said inside her heart. She quickly turned her face to see the sunset again.

Thump thump

"But you're still more beautiful" , woozi said in whisper. Unfortunately, yongsun couldn't hear it. She's oblivious as f.

"Guys let's make a campfire tonight!" , seungkwan gave an idea.

"Brilliant! Let's go wash off and then we can make campfire right after that" , Scoups said.

"Where is your cousin?" , yongsun asked. She felt a bit scared to be alone actually. Since she's not at her own bedroom. She needed someone to wait for her while she took shower.

"Oh she's still on the way.. trafficjam" , scoups explained, "why yongsun?"

"Yah yongsun, don't tell me you're scared to be alone" , joshua said in horror, "we have Jesus, remember?"

"I'm scared Josh.. you know, I can't be alone if it's not at our own house" , she pouted in front of her brother. So her brother wanted to accompany her while she took shower.

"Haishh yongsun.. do you want me to--" , before he finished his words, woozi cut him.

"Let me accompany her then!" , he showed his gummy smile.

"H-huh? Are you serious?" , yongsun said in surprised.

"Lovebirds!!" , hoshi shouted and woozi slapped his hand. Never mess with woozi.

"I trust you woozi. I really am. So you're allowed to wait for her while she's showering" , joshua said while patting woozi's shoulder.

After that everyone left and woozi stood there with yongsun.

"Let's go?"

"A-ah yes" , she said stuttering. Once they're in her room, they kept in silence. But she decided to break it.

"I'm sorry" , she hung her head low.

"What for?" , he said in confused as he sat on the edge of the bed accross hers.

"Dragging you here" , she looked up, "I've never felt comfortable to be alone if it's not in my own room" , he could see a scared feelings on her eyes.

"Chill, I'm here because I want too. It's not a problem!" , he gave her an assuring smile, "you can do your stuff, I'll be here. Don't worry"

"You're so kind woozi, thankyou" , she smiled and prepared for shower.

"Don't wear anything too showy.. and it's cold at night" , he reminded her.

"I know daddy" , they both laughed. Right after she left for shower, woozi put something inside her bag. He didn't know why but he wanted to give her a lot of gifts. First,the CD and now he gave her this. He didn't mind spending money for her. It's a bit weird.

When she got back from shower, her hair was still damp and she was wearing a peach color sweater with a knee length jeans. she looked beautiful with peach color. Woozi couldn't stop staring.

"Woozi, what's wrong?" , she waved her palms in front of woozi's face.

"U-uh? Nothing! You just look... beautiful" , he could feel his cheeks became warm, so do her.


"I meant, peach sweater really looks good on you" , he smiled.

"Thankyou again" , she giggled. She felt happy because of his compliment. It's a simple compliment that could make rest of her day better.

"No problem.. anyway I have to leave now,I need to take a shower too", he chuckled and stood up from the bed.

"Oh yeah you may leave.. see you at the campfire later" , she bid him goodbye. And then he walked out the room.

After he was totally dissapeared from the room, yongsun jumping up and down like a little child. She's happy. Beyond happy.

Never im my life, a guy said me beautiful with the look he gave me. I'm so fvkin happy!! Idk why i'm being this happy , but I think I have a crush....with him , she thought. She gasped on his own thoughts.

Meanwhile , he walked out the room and couldn't stop smiling. The figure of her wearing peach sweater couldn't get out from his mind. She did really look good on that.

She's so beautiful, especially with that sweater. I'm glad I could say that she's beautiful in front of her face. Because she really is. I'm glad I met her. I couldn't even stop smiling. Why....


This chapter is a short chapter because I've kept this part on my draft since dec 4th so I decided to add some more and post it today
Enjoy reading! Sorry for making you wait and thankyou for waiting ㅋㅋ

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