chapter 7

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After awhile they've arrived at Busan. Yongsun woke up from her sleep, feeling someone's resting on top of her head. She stiffened when she realized it's woozi.

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Her heart started beating fastly. Yongsun dared herself to poked the figure beside her. He immediately woke up and rubbed his eyes. Still feeling sleepy.

Ah so cute, yongsun thought as she sat straight.

"Hoamm, sorry I fell asleep on top of your head" , woozi apologized. "Is your neck okay?"

"It's okay, I was the one who should say sorry.. I fell asleep on your shoulder,right? And my neck is okay" , she gave him a smile.

"Let's go out then" , he grabbed her wrist and she nodded. Once they're out, they inhaled the fresh air.

"Woahh it's so fresh here" , she said while stretching her arms.

"Your brother chose the right place!" , woozi said happily.

"All of these are his plans?" , she tilted her head.

"Yep, he knows how to have a good trip" , seungcheol joined the conversation.

"haha yeah these are my plans" , Joshua said to them while inhaled the air.

"Let's pack our things inside, and then we can play together later at the beach" , seungcheol commanded and all of them replied with yes and okay.

"Yongsun, your room is next to mine. You won't be alone, seungcheol's cousin is coming" , Joshua told her.

"Oh really? I'm glad that I'm not the only girl here." , she smiled gladly.

"Do you need help to bring your suitcase inside?" , mingyu asked out of the blue. They barely introduced each other tho. Maybe he's just being a gentleman, she thought.

"Yah mingyu, just help me bring mine" , wonwoo said to mingyu jokingly.

"Alright, no need to be jealous" , he chuckled but still helped wonwoo bringing his suitcase inside, "sorry ,Yongsun. This friend over here really need me"

"It's okay! No need to be sorry" , What a cute friendship, she thought.

"Here, let me help you" ,woozi without asking for her permission, helped her bringing her suitcase inside her room.

"O-oh, thanks so much" , she said while following him to her room.

They stayed inside a little big house. The house has two floors. There were three rooms on the first floor and four rooms on the second floor. Yongsun's room was on the first floor. Her room was between Joshua , seungcheol , jeonghan 's room and woozi , hoshi 's room. Meanwhile on the second floor, mingyu and wonwoo are on the same room, DK with seungkwan, vernon with dino, and Jun with the8.

After they had finished packing their belongings, they decided to play at the beach. Since the beach is near from the house and it's still noon , perfect time for beach.

"let's go to the beach guys, let's change our outfit first" , hoshi said happily and everyone went back to their own rooms to prepared for beach.

"Yongsun," woozi called her suddenly.

"Uh yes?"

"I may sound weird right now," he seemed hesitant to talk.

"Why? What's wrong? Just say it" , she gave him an assuring smile.

"Please don't wear something too showy.." , he hung his head low. He really sounded weird. But she was touched to hear it from him. It's like he's being protective toward her. Isn't it?

"O-oh.. okay, I won't! I will wear comfortable t-shirt" , woozi smiled hearing that she's obeyed. He just didn't want the other boys looking at her pervertly. Boys.

But, why do I care?
I'm not her boyfriend
But this feels right, once again.

He thought by himself.


Hi this is just a short chapter because yesterday is woozi's birthday :D


And guys, I will update another chapter soon. Please anticipate ㅋㅋㅋ

Don't forget to vote and comment! Love u❤


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