chapter 13 [LAST]

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I woke up and the first time I saw is Jihoon standing at the door frame looking at me. I covered my face with the blanket, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"You look so adorable while you're sleeping" , he giggled and came closer to me. He sat down beside me on the bed.

"Thankyou, I know i'm adorable" , I laughed softly.

He ruffled my hair, "goodmorning, my girlfriend"

The way he said it, made my cheeks reddened. "Goodmorning"

"I need morning kisses" , he said playfully.

I pecked his lips, "done! I'm going to take shower now" , before I could stand up he pulled my wrist so that I sat down again.

He leaned closer and kissed me for real, I kissed him back but not long after I backed away, "I want to take a shower"

"Okay, I made breakfast for us.. i'll be waiting in the kitchen, okay?"

"Okay" , he went out from the room and I once again decided to wear his clothes instead of hayeong's. I chose his plain t-shirt and hayeong's black hotpants.

After I finished, I went to the kitchen and I could hear jihoon was talking with someone.

"Hayeong?" , I saw hayeong sat there with jihoon.

"Oh hi yongsun!" , she smiled to me. And I replied her smile.

"Hi, sorry I'm wearing your hotpants without telling you first" , I bowed politely and apologized to her.

"It's okay!! You're jihoon's girlfriend so you need to place your things here. I'm sure you'll stay here a lot of times" , she winked at me. Oh jihoon told her about it.

"Ah okay hehe", I smiled sheepishly.

"Is that my t-shirt?" , woozi asked while looking at me. He walked to me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry I just wanted to wear it" , I smiled to him.

"It's okay, you look much more adorable in my clothes" , jihoon pecked my cheeks.

"Aww lovebirds!! I knew you'll end up together from the start!" ,  hayeong said while taking picture of us.

"Hey why did you take picture of us when I wasn't ready!", Jihoon told her.

"Because you're soooooo cute!" , suddenly her phone rang, "oh mark is calling. I'm leaving guys! Bye lovebirds"

"Bye take care!", hayeong left us.

"She came by just because she missed me" , jihoon explained as we sat down on the kitchen table.

"Ohh I see", I started to eat the breakfast, "wow this is delicious"

"I can cook too!" , he chuckled.

"By the way, today josh will pick me up.. do you want to talk about us to him?"

"Of course.. I've been planning to. Do you think he will give the permission for us to date?" , he asked.

"Maybe yes.. since you're his own friend"

Not long after, my phone was ringing and I saw the caller ID it's josh.


"Hey i'm outside!"

"You can ring the doorbell istead, can't you?"

"It's broken, yongsun.. tell your boy to repair it!"

I was surprised when he said your boy, "aish alright wait"

"Jihoon, my brother is outside"

He looked up, "oh really? Why he didn't ring the doorbell?"

"It's broken" , I shrugged it off and we walked to open the door.

"Hi kids!" , Josh greeted us with his famous smile.

"Hyung, I have to tell you something.. let's come in first" , he let josh came in.

We sat down on the couch in the living room, "so?", josh broke the silence.

"Hmm, yongsun and I.. we started dating.." , jihoon said while looking at me and joshua.

"We want to ask for your permission" , I started talking with my head hung low.

there was a silence between us until jihoon started to talk again, "look, I promise I'm not going to break her heart. I love yongsun, hyung" , that caught me out of guard. I gaped at his words. he sincerely loved me.

"you know what," everytime josh started talking, I'd get nervous. he continued, "I knew you'll end up together from the start" , he smiled.

Jihoon and I just gasped and I decided to ask, "how?"

"you have the same hobby. you both love produce musics. I support your relationship, don't worry" , he showed us his sincere smile and I ran to hug him.

"josh! I'm so happy!"

"thankyou so much hyung"

I pulled away from the hug, "now we just need to tell the rest about it"

"the members?" , jihoon asked to make sure.

"it's easy, they're all at seungcheol's right now. we just need to go there" , Josh said as he stood up, "so are you coming?"

we nodded and headed to seungcheol's. when we arrived, the members were all there. they're laughing and talking together until josh said,

"guys! woozi and my sister have announcement here!" , they all looked to us and they waved hello to us.

"hi! what is it?" , seungcheol was the first one to speak up.

"So, starting from now on.. um actually from yesterday, yongsun and I are officially dating" , jihoon stated clearly.

"oh it's about time!" , jeonghan shouted.

"we totally support you guys! don't worry" , seungcheol said as the others nodded their heads.

I felt so happy and jihoon did too. he slung his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead lightly, "we're official now babe" , he whispered.

I smacked his chest softly, "not here" , I giggled. he should know when he called me babe , my cheeks would turn into crimson red. I was so embarrassed.

he chuckled, "it's okay, I can call you babe everywhere" , he kissed my forehead again. I loved how he did it so gently and I felt so comfortable with it.

"yah, keep the lovey dovey later. let's eat this pizza and watch a movie!" , seungcheol said and we decided to join them.

Jihoon and I sat down on the floor with some of the members. we're basically cuddling right there while watching the movie without they knowing. because I kept snuggling on his chest, he smelled so nice. the movie was a horror one, so I couldn't get off of him. I got scared easily. he put his arm around my waist and he kept kissing my forehead everytime I got scared. I felt at ease beside him.

I felt so happy that jihoon and I were finally dating. we could produce songs together as lovers, and we could do more things together from now on. I just loved it so much to be beside him. I loved how he always whispered I love you, to assured me. but he didn't really need to. I know he loved me sincerely.

and I loved him too.


author's note :

I bet you didn't expect this is the ending'-' maybe I will make epilogue if you guys want hehe

sorry for short chapter, I purposely made this as the last chapter:')

thankyou for my loyal readers!! hope you like this and don't forget to vote and give comments! see yaaaa

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