chapter 12

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I spent that noon at woozi's place and Joshua didn't mind it at all. I couldn't believe finally we confessed to each other. I felt so happy this day.

We spent our noon of course inside his workplace. He's working on seventeen's new songs and I didn't mind at all. I enjoyed being here and accompanied him doing all of his jobs.

The fact, it made me feel honoured to listen at seventeen's new songs before its published. And I also learnt a lot by accompany him working on his songs.

"Sorry you have to spend your day here" , he turned to look at me.

"It's okay! Really!" , I assured him with my smile.

"I meant after the confession and all.. we should be on our first date right now" , he looked so guilty.

"Isn't this our first date and will always be our kind of dates?" , I said sincerely. I didn't need to go to fancy places for dates. Just learning about producing songs with him made me feel happy.

He leaned in and put his hand on my cheeks. and then he looked at my lips, "I really love you" , and by that he kissed me. It's for the second time today. First was when we're in front of his apartment and it's pretty long for our first kiss. And now we were kissing again in his work place.

I loved how he bite my bottom lips softly while kissing me. Earning soft moans from me. I kissed him back as passionate as the way he kissed me. I didn't expect him as a good kisser since his face didn't tell me so. But turned out, he's a good one.

His hand now grabbing my waist to pull me closer. And his lips leaving my lips to kissed my jaw and then down to the crook of my neck. He sent soft kisses and it's actually tickled so I giggled.

"It's tickling" , I said between giggles.

"But you love it" , he whispered with husky voice in my ear.

"Ugh! since when did you become like this" , I just laughed playfully at him and he stopped kissing me.

"So you don't like it?" , he slightly pouted. His hand still gripping on my waist.

"It's not like that.." , I pecked his pouty lips. I didn't even know where I got the courage to do so.

"You just pecked me?" , he asked teasingly, "you pecked my lips?"

"It's not even a big deal, Jihoon-ah" , I huffed.

"I meant, you did the first move" , he looked happy with it so I smiled along.

"Yeah" , I answered and diverted my eyes back to the screen again. "You better finish this"

"So we can continue?", he teased.

"W-what?! I meant so you can rest well after this" , screw that side of lee jihoon.

"Rest well as if I sleep with you" , he blurted out.

"I will tell Josh!" , I was threatening him playfully.

"No no! I was just kidding yongsun!" , he looked a bit panicked and I laughed.

"Hahaha me too. I won't tell him. Just do your works now"

And he continued his works until the time I had to go back home. But eventually, it's raining outside.

"Woah it's raining" , I said while looking out the windows.

"It means you should stay" , he said while joining me. Looking outside from the windows.

"I will call josh first. Maybe he can pick me up here" , I took my phone out and dial jisoo's number.

"Okay.. I'll be waiting there" , he went back to his workplace.


"Oh yeah yongsun?"

"It's raining pretty bad, how do I go home now?"

"I'm staying at seungcheol's tonight. Since you're with woozi, I trust you to him"

"Oh gosh, you've been abandoning me twice these days"

"Yeah only if you're with woozi"

"Ah alright then. I'll stay in here.. bye have fun" , I hung up the phone and went straight to woozi.

"Hey, I'm sorry" , I said to him.

"You should stay, right?" , he looked at me and smiled widely.

"Yep you know, my brother is staying at seungcheol's", I sighed, "abandoning me here"

"No, he just wants to let us spend times together" , he smiled softly. His smile always made me feel warm.

"We spend too much times together already" , I chuckled and sat down beside him.

"It's okay I'm happy to spend my times with you" , he ruffled my hair, "because I love you"

I giggle happily to hear that from him for so many times today, "you know, I love you too"

"Go take a shower first! You can wear hayeong's clothes.." , he stood up and led me to his bedroom.

"Okay!! I'm not that smelly though" , I pouted.

This time he's the one who pecked it, "you're not smelly but you still need to showering"

"Alright" , I came inside his bedroom and he left me there. It's still the same as before. But the bed looked so untouch. Maybe because we just came back from Busan.

I grabbed one of hayeong's crop tee but then I looked at woozi's clothes. I had an idea to wear one of his clothes instead. So I chose his 'grown man' blue sweatshirt and one of hayeong's denim hotpants. I also borrowed hayeong's bra and panties. Glad that we shared the same size.

After finished showering, I wore woozi's sweatshirt that was a little bigger than my body and I also wore the hotpants. It looked good on me actually.

I approached him inside his workplace, "Jihoon", I called him and he turned to look at me.

He gaped, "what are you wearing?"

"Your shirt, how is it?" , I asked nervously. Did I look bad? He looked so surprised.

He stood up from his seat just to look at me closer, "you're adorable.."

I smiled widely and my cheeks reddened, "thankyou"

"Let's sit! I nearly finish this song. I hope it would be an awesome one" , he said with glowing eyes.

"I hope so"

And when he finally finished, we ate our dinner together and then we went inside his bedroom.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the sofa" , he said to me and I actually felt comfortable with his offer. Since I didn't really want to share same bed.

"Thankyou so much!" , I grinned at him.

"No goodnight kiss?" , he asked teasingly.

"We kissed twice already" , I laughed.

"Okay okay I was joking" , he put his hands on my cheeks, "but I still want to kiss you" , he leaned in and he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, sweetheart" , he whispered to me. Aww how sweet of him calling me sweetheart.

"Goodnight, Jihoon"


Author's note :

This chapter specially for the readers who have been longing for my update lol sorry for the wait!! Love you😘 don't forget to vote and comment! See ya~

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