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Much much years later

Morning is a hectic time for yongsun. She had to prepare for her family's breakfast. Yes, her family. It consists of jihoon,yongsun herself, and their twin sons. Truth was, yongsun really didn't expect that she will be married with woozi. It turned out their relationship went very well and they ended up married with each other. Of course they had fights, until now they still had. But they always found way to reconcile.

While preparing breakfast , yongsun felt someone hugged her from behind. "Hey you're awake" , she knew it's woozi.

"Hmm, I have important things to do today" , he kissed yongsun's cheek.

"Oh another meeting with producers?" , she usually tagged along if it's a meeting with producers. But if it's not with the producers, she prefered to stay at home with the twins.

"Nope, it's more important than a meeting with producer"

Yongsun turned her body to look at his husband properly, "oh? Will you be back late?"

Woozi noticed her sad face, "probably.. Honey please don't be sad" , he ruffled her hair and gave her the warmest smile, "I need to get ready now.."

They were having breakfast together and the twins eating so peacefully because they're still sleepy. Yongsun lost her appetite knowing woozi wouldn't be home until late night. It's their 3rd anniversary and it seemed like woozi forgot about it. She felt disappointed toward woozi.


It's already 8pm and woozi still at work. What a bad day for yongsun. Couldn't spend their anniversary together just because of work.

"Mom!! Jaemin took my toy!!" , Jaehyun one of the twins ran to her while crying.

"Jaemin, give it back to jaehyun" , yongsun took the toy from jaemin and he silently crying too.

"Why can't you two be considerate to mommy" , she let out a loud sigh, "your mom is feeling miserable right now.. Don't you know?"

Jaemin and jaehyun stopped crying and looking at their mom with teary eyes, "we are so sorry mommy" , they said in unison.

"Yeah it's okay.. At least you make me feel less lonely" , she ruffled the twins' hair and gave them a wide smile.

"I love you mommyyyy" , jaemin said while hugging yongsun.

"I love mommy too!" , jaehyun hugged his mom too, "and I love daddy!! Where is he, mommy?"

"Important bussinesseu" , yongsun kissed their cheeks, "let's go to bed"

After the twins fell asleep, yongsun waited for woozi while watching tv. Suddenly someone knocked on their door,

Knock knock

Yongsun opened the door, "oh ahjumma? What's wrong?"

"your husband asked me to take care of the twins for awhile and gave you this", she handed her a sticky note.

Wear beautiful dress and come to the park.
Mr.Park will pick you up
Love you my wife xoxo
--your dearest husband--

Yongsun was smiling so brightly while reading the sticky notes. She let her neighbor in and she prepared to go to the park. She's wearing a red dress which looked so fit in her. She put some makeup too. It's their anniversary, of course she should look pretty.

By the time she's arrived at the park, she was greeted by all of seventeen members. Included jisoo, her brother. They hugged each other and the members sang a song for yongsun. but she didn't see woozi at all.

"You're so great guys!!! Anyway, where is jihoon?" , she asked curiously.

"Let's go there" , jisoo took her hand and lead the way to woozi.

There he was, standing so nervously and holding a flower boquet. Behind him there was a tree that had been decorated with pretty lamps. Woozi looked so stunning and so did yongsun. Yongsun gaped when she saw woozi, he looked so adorable. And then Jisoo left them there.

"Important bussiness?" , yongsun chuckled.

"I told you it's more important than a meeting with producer" , he walked closer to yongsun.

"I thought you forget our anniversary" , yongsun hit woozi's chest softly with teary eyes.

Woozi quickly hugged her, "don't cry.. It's our special night" , he have sweet kiss on her forehead, "and I won't ever forget our anniversary date.. It's one of my best day in this world"

"Thankyou so much for this" , yongsun sobbed quietly on his chest. "i'm so thankful"

He wiped her tears, "sssh, let's enjoy our 3rd anniversary with happiness"

Yongsun nodded and she stole a kiss from woozi.

"Nuh uh, we are not gonna kiss like this on our anniversary. I will kiss you properly now" , woozi gave a sweet smile.

Yongsun just nodded and closed her eyes. Woozi leaned in and kissed her lips, it's a sweet kiss that made them falling in love toward each other even deeper. Their kiss last long until they had to catch their breathe.

"I love you so much, yongsun"

"I love you too. So much"

"How about a daughter?" , woozi asked teasingly.

Yongsun looked shock and she chuckled, "sounds good. But we need to hire maid"

"Let's worry about it later"


I'm finally back for the epilogue! Sorry you have to wait so long huhu
Hope you like the epilogue!! Don't forget to vote and comment:)

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