chapter 11

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day two was spent by shopping. they bought a lot of clothes and souvenirs. Woozi bought a red dress for yongsun, it's beautiful. he thought it will suit yongsun the best. but he's not that lucky, because right when he wanted to take the dress, nayeon appeared and she ended buy the dress. woozi regret for not taking the dress earlier.

woozi found another thing to buy, not a dress just a soft pink sweater. but the sweater looked so cute with cat face on it. he found it's attractive if she wore it. so he bought the sweater and decided to give it to her on the way back home.

the sun was shining so bright and made them feel good. good weather meant good day. now's the time for them to went back home. they were already inside the bus, ready to go. Yongsun once again paired with woozi inside the bus.

"Do you enjoy the trip?" , woozi asked smiling.

"Absolutely! How about you?" , she asked back to woozi.

"Yeah, I love it so much. I don't want to go back yet" , woozi chuckled.

"Don't you miss to make some songs again?"

"Of course! Anyway when will you come again? I will teach you more" , he loved it when yongsun was around.

"Maybe on Friday? I will come again for sure!" , she beamed happily. Happy because she could learn more about producing songs and happy because she could be around him.

"Okay just tell me when you visit me" , he said and then he opened his bag to take something. It's a gift box with peach color. It's decorated prettily. "Here, for you", he handed out the gift for yongsun.

"W-what is this?" , she took the gift confusedly.

"open it! tell me if you don't like it" , he smiled to her and letting her to open the gift.

she opened the gift carefully, "woah! this sweater!"

"do you like it? I notice most of your clothes are sweater so I bought this for you" , he scratched the back of his neck.

"of course I like it! thankyou so much! this is my favorite color" , she said cheerfully. seeing this side of yongsun made woozi's heart palpitate.

"no problem! please wear it often", he said sincerely. he really desired her to wear it often. because it would look pretty in her.

"don't worry, I will" , she chuckled.

the way back filled with laughter. seungkwan's jokes which successfully made the whole bus laughing. well, except nayeon. she's too busy with her own phone and she didn't pay attention with her surrounding. Nayeon decided to follow scoups to his house. she decided to stay with scoups for three days.

after around three hours, they arrived safely at the bus station. their own driver had been waiting there for them.

"yongsun, I'll put my suitcase on our car but I need to go with scoups and jeonghan" , Josh said to yongsun.

she replied with a nod, "okay, and I'll be back alone?"

"I'll come with you", woozi suddenly joined the conversation. well, why not? he also went here with them three days ago. his house wasn't that far too.

"really? is it okay for you?", yongsun looked at him, "I meant, you have a lot of works to do, don't you?"

"it's okay! don't worry. I can finish it instantly" , he gave a confident smile.

"yeah instantly, with no sleep and no eat" , she shook her head disagree with his idea.

"okay I will directly go back to my house after accompany you back home" , he ruffled her hair playfully. aww what a gentle man, yongsun thought.

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