Chapter 57: Bayler Fitzgerald

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~ 11 months later ~

Aria's Pov:

I'm so tired.

All I can say is.

I'm so tired. I think having another baby was too much. I love everyone but it's so much when Ezra leaves. Joseph is in his terrible twos and boy is it hard! He throws temper tantrum and fits. He destroys furniture and other things.

On the other hand my other baby is a sack of potatoes that cries, eats, sleeps and poops. But it's constant.

I had another boy. His name is Bayler. He's a father's son. Joseph is a Mama's boy so I get one child that doesn't scream. Whenever I do stuff with Bayler he screams. Ezra is the magic touch.

I cooked dinner tonight and I'm in a bad mood from the past month being like living in hell. We were all eating and I heard a plop on the ground. I looked at Joseph.

"Honey please eat your food. Do not drop it." I said picking the broccoli up. Ezra looked up and me. I heard Bayler scream from the other room. I got up and Ezra pushed me back down.

"I got him." He replied. I nodded and threw the towel back on my shoulder.

"Joseph please eat!" I said holding the fork in front of him.

"No!" He yelled causing Bayler in his room to start crying again.

"Joseph." I said getting up picking my plate up.

"No mama!" He screamed.

"Joseph Fitzgerald you eat this instant!" I yelled across the kitchen. He started to wail. I sighed and picked him up out of his high chair.

Ezra came back with Bayler in his arms.

"I'm going to finish my dinner do you mind holding him?" He asked. I took him without a word. I decided to put him back in his play pin and put Joseph in front of the TV while I clean.

Ezra got up with his plate. "Do you need help?" He asked.

"No." I snapped. "I'm sorry babe I'm just really tired of the boys screaming all day and one wakes the other so it's hard." I sighed.

"I wanted to tell you something but I was planning on tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Why tomorrow?" I asked turning facing him.

"Because I asked your mom to watch the boys and they have Byron and Mike who is dying to meet Bayler. So I thought it was a win win." He replied.

"Ezra don't know." I sighed.

"What? Why not! I haven't been alone with you in forever and your parents need to spend time with them." He added.

"I know but Bayler is 2 months old and a sack of potatoes. He doesn't do anything but waist your energy. I'm a little worried about them watching them both. Plus they don't have their house baby proofed and-" I got cut off.

"Hey. Tomorrow is going to be great!" He whispered. I sighed and walked over to Joseph.


Need some Ezria? Next chapter is coming soon!

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