Goodbye...? part 1

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You had the perfect boyfriend, Kim taehyung he was special in may ways and both of you live in korea. He was dorky, has a charming laugh/smile, he was inmature in some way, and he wouldn't care about his image as an idol. You guys were happy with each other always finding ways to spend time with each other but there was one thing, your dad. Your dad didn't approve of you being with someone like him he thinks he's to inmature and childish and he doesn't want someone like him around you. You knew that your dad didn't like him from the beginning but you also Knew that at some point your dad well take yall apart... and that time has come
"Dad you can't do this, you can't take me away from him I love him why can't you see that!.." your eyes filling up with tears. " I want the best for you, I have always given you things and aprove things but this isn't one of them, not him"
"If you really want the best for me then let me be with him don't you want me to be happy?!"

"Yes I do but..."

"But nothing dad I'm not leaving!"

"I don't care if want to or if you don't I'm gonna send you back to (Y/C)"

"Dad please don't I beging you please I don't wan.." you couldn't finish what you were saying only getting inturputed by your dad which you only looked a him with your red and swollen eyes,crying a waterfall of tears. "You have a week to get things organized and it the end if the conversation alright!"

The next day you were with taehyung all day but all you can think of is your conversation with your dad the day before. You and taehyung were at BTS dorm just chillin,playing some viedo games with his members and having fun. Time passed and you had no idea how to tell taehyung you were leaving and just thinking about it made you wonna cry but you fight back the tears. That night you stay with taehyung you guys were laying in bed cuddling up with each other. "Hey taehyung..?"
"You know I love you right"
"Of course I do but you know I love you more my little princesse" just hearing that made you both happy and sad also guilty...
" Well then promise me one thing that no matter how far away we are from each other or if we someday stop seeing each other you well always love me and you well wait for me"
"Yay! We well never stopping see each other so don't say that!" You try to fight the tears. "But still just promise me" "of course I promise you I well always be here waiting for you with all my love" with that he kiss your forehead and you both fall asleep.


Part 2...

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