I cant...

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It was 2 am you couldn't sleep all your were doing is crying. You were crying yourself to bed, the bed that is now empty on the other side. You keep replaying everything in your head all the memories you had. This was actually the first time you were in love with someone and now everything is gone. Everything is gone now... but it was for the best for both of you.


It's only been a few months when taehyung had announce that you guys were dating. You thought you would get hate note and yes you did but most of them were good ones, congratulating you about being with someone like him. You guy would go in public and the moment you both step outside the crowd of fan come rushing. Everywhere you guys were they would follow not give you privacy. Somehow all the fan just started putting you down not all but most of them. Things got worse to the point where they would barge into your apartment. Things were getting out of hand but you would hold back all because of taehyung you never told him this things because you don't want him worrying about you. But one day the fans just went crazy saying you were pregnant all because you went to the hospital for a check when really you weren't even feeling well. You couldn't take it anymore as much as you love him you couldn't take this anymore it was just to much for you. It was time to go separate ways.

Tae?" Your on the phone with him.

"Yeah, what's up babe"

"You think we can meet up at the park? Also have you ate?

"Um... yeah sure and no I haven't but at what time?"

"Ok great and how about now"

"Ok I'll see you then." Tae knew there was something wrong but he brush it off.

○●few minutes later○●

You were waiting for tae with a picnic basket with sandwiches and fruits and drinks. You saw tae and wave at him, he wave back with excitement like a little child, but that we'll be last time you see that.
"Hey jagiya!" He hug you and spin you around, making you wonna cry, but you fight back the tears.


"I'm sorry it cause I miss you"

"You just saw me two days ago"

"Ik but I can't stop see you for one moment I don't know what I would do without you, you make my day each day, and I can't ask for more but to be with you forever" your heart sank you felt guilt build in you, you really are going to reget not being with him.

"Tae what are you saying! Your not proposing are you?!" Then you saw tae get on one knee and but pulled out a box and inside there was a ring, a beautiful ring.

"Maybe I am... (Y/N) well... well you marry me?" You drop the basket and burst into tears, you knew what you had to do it was time to tell him bye.

"Tae...I-I-I can't..." you could see the disappointment in his eyes

"I'm sorry but I can't be with you anymore (sobbing)"

"W-Why?" You could hear the shivering in his voice,his eyes were getting red and watery.

"Did I do something wrong...?"

"Yes you did you dated me"


"I knew that bad thing we're gonna happen dating you and I thought I was prepare but I guess I wasn't... I can't be with your anymore..."

"I know that my fans are trying to take us apart but you can't just leave me because of them since when do your care about other people's opinion about us!" He slightly raise his voice.

"Since the day they kept barging into my apartment!" His eyes went wide like he just say a ghost. You didn't know whether he was shock you raise your voice at him for the first time or because he shock at what you said.

"....Why didn't you tell me"

"Because I don't want you worry about me...but that doesn't matter anymore..."

"(Y/N)... don't do this to me... you can't leave me..." he try to hug you but you back away.



"Tae I really love you and I will always well don't forget that ever...but its time to go are separate ways...I'm sorry.......
.....bye tae. My taehyung. My adult child. My alien. Bye." You walk away sobbing it started to rain but that don't stop you, you kept walking all the way home at this point you didn't care about getting sick.


You lay in bed crying thinking all the good memories. You lay in the lonely bed (which it was already but he would sometime sleep with you) that now, well only have you in it. You did the right thing, you had to, for you and for him it was the best for the both you. Everything won't be the same without him, now everything won't make sense anymore, but there is no turning back, what had to be done was done. You had your notification on for bts twitter, you open the notice and you saw "You guys got what you wanted are you guys happy now, she gone, happy?- Taehyung" you cry even more."Bye tae. Bye my love" that was all you could say before you turn off your phone and cry youself to sleep.

Tae pov

I was shock I just stood there and only when I came back to my sence she was gone. She was really gone. Why didn't I go after her. Why didn't I chase her. I went to go look for her but she was gone. Everything is over. I'm such an idiot UGh!. I went back to the dorm in the rain and when I got there the first thing I saw was the sofa where she would always sit in when she came over. She would read, she would lay on me, we would play fight, we kiss, we talk, everthing was here on this sofa ( A/N I was listen to sofa by crush so I made this memories :)). I could still smell her perfume on my bed, I could still imagine us chasing each other. I could still feel like is she was still here with me. A few minutes pass and I got on twitter and wrote
"You guys got what you wanted are you guys happy now, she gone, happy? -taehyung"
I will always love you (Y/N). I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I FAILED YOU...... I failed to protect you.... and now you are gone....

Edit~ 6-2-16

The least I could do was edit nd fix my vocabulary. I really made no sense and had many errors. I'll be making a part 2. After exams which is not long. The waiting well be worth it. Thanks for reading~ Have a beautiful day/night/morning.~

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