I can't... part 2.

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There he was, standing feets away from you. The last time you saw him was when you rejected him and than left. But you needed him the most. So you ran to him as fast you can but he just seem to get further and further. The closer you got to him the further he would get and you were scared that he would just dissappear so you stop. He wasn't moving, he wasn't running, walking or backing away he was just standing there. The distance between you both was just getting longer. But that didn't stop you, you kept running and running, and running and running.
"Kim taehyung!!" You scream for him than.

Everything went black.

Your eyes open up quickly and you stood up. You realize you were on your bed. There was hot tears rolling down your cheeks, you were sweating and it felt hot in the room and you were breathing hard. Thunder struck outside it was raining hard. Then the lights went on and you were to scared to move.

???: "Y/N why are yo-" he stop and notice the sweat down your face, he stood up quickly. Than he saw the tears. "Y/N are you okay?" He sounded worry and his voice.....his voice....it...was.... familiar. It sounded like.


You turn around....and there he was. He was looking straight at you with a worry face. Your eyes were wide, they were filled with tears and suprise. You start to cry at the thought that everthing was just a dream. He pulled you into a tight hug and rub your back. You cried harder into his chest, he smells good and for some reason you missed it.

"It's okay Y/N. I'm here." He pulled you away and he remembered the sweat on your face. He put his cold hand on your hot forhead. "God. Y/N your burning up. Let me go get you medicine okay." He was about to leave but you pulled him back.

"Taehyung don't go.... don't leave me... stay here. With me" He turn around and quickly pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn't fast but it wasn't slow it was passionate, he moved smoothly against your lips. He pulled away to look at you but your were looking down. With his finger he lifted your head up so that now you were looking at him.

"I will never leave you Y/N. I promise you I won't EVER leave you. There isn't a reason why I should so why should I. You make me the person I am today. You are my world. You are my star. And we well never be part. I love you Y/N. I will aways love you and my love for you well never change."  You cried your eyes out but this time you were the one to hug him. He pulled you in tighter into the hug.

"I love you taehyung. I will always love you." He pulled you in tighter. What left like hours into the hug he pulled away and looked at you. He peck your lips and smile.

"let's go back to bed..hm?" You nod and lay back down and he did the same. He pulled you in closer to him and as you got comfortable and felt something routing  on your finger. You touch it and felt like metal than your realize it was a ring. Than it came to you. You are married to him. And it's only been 3 months and you were pregnant with his 3 week baby.

Yes the hate comments are there but there aren't that bad. 1 percent of them were hate but 99 percent it was all good comments. People support you two and you love those fans who did. But just thinking that everthing was just a dream and that taehyung had always and will stay by your side like he promise and you believe his every word.

"I'm glad to have you here tae. I love you."  And with that your fell asleep in his arms.


So here is part 2 of I can't. I'll will be updating on here but I'll updating more on my other story. After exams I Promise.
This one goes for EXO_BTS_Lover ^^

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