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Hey guys we are new writers but we worked really hard on this so enjoy! :)



I grunted in frustration while thinking of an idea to shove him off me. I gathered all my strength and pushed. He winced in pain as he fell face first towards the hard flooring. I jumped up and headed towards the pitiful form. I towered over him and pinned him to the floor with my heavy booted foot. Not knowing what to do next I let my anger control me. I lifted my shaky hand, lifting him into the air and flinging him at the wall. He hit the floor with a thud letting out a sharp gasp of pain. I saw a glint of fear I his eyes which he instantly tried to hide. ‘Laila... this... isn’t... over’ he managed to say by dragging it out in a moan. I kicked his body in disregard. My body froze in shock. A wave of nausea hit me when I contemplated what I had done. He was dead and I killed him. What had I done?

               My past was coming for me, or what you could call my destiny. My parents are dead and gone. They came to these people; my guardians; for safety. They switched sides and lost everyone they love all for one thing, that one thing being me. They wanted me to be safe and away from the ‘evil’ of the Potens Vinculum’s (powerful tie) or “the vinc’s” as everyone else called them. But once they left, someone came to meet me; to inform me of my past, to tell me that it is my home and that it is my destiny to return. He told me I was powerful and staying here with these people would limit my abilities. I believe him, after all I just killed someone, didn’t I?

I killed a member of the circle. I killed a member of the circle. I killed a member of the circle. I killed a member of the circle I repeated through my head. But suddenly my train of thought changed.

Home, I want to go home. I want to be powerful because I am powerful.

I watched his blood ooze out of his body, seep through his clothes, and spill on to the timber flooring making its way towards me through the gaps in the flooring. I snapped out of my haze and immediately without thinking I gathered his sprawled out body slung his feet over my shoulder and dragged him towards the storeroom on the far side of the room. After managing to stuff him into the storeroom I turned to see the trail of blood and a path of destruction behind me. I had no choice but to run. I need to go home, but I don’t know where that is. I don’t know but I do know I’ll run until I have no breath left.


Hey guys hope u all liked it we would love to hear your comments on how we are doing so far so let us know what u think and thanks for reading. ;)

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