Chapter 11

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here you go my lovelies....sorry bout not updating in like forever!!!


I gave Mike a nervous look as I stepped out of the car, I really wasn’t sure what was going to happen when we arrived at Mr Steele’s office; but I really hope it isn’t too bad.

“Oh relax Letty, haven’t you been in trouble before?” Mike tried to reassure me.

“Umm not really” I said reluctantly.

“Just follow my lead then, you’ll be fine!” Mike said as we started to walk in the direction of Mr Steele’s office.

“He’s gonna kill us.” I breathed.

“Oh babe, you’re always so dramatic!” Mike laughed.

As we were walking we passed Lyssa, damn it, she’ll kill me even more if she finds out that we ditched!

“Where’ve you two lovebirds been? I didn’t see you go into Mr Steele’s office?”

“Yeah, I’ll fill you in later, I really have to get to class.” I answered.

“But class is this way Letty!” Lyssa called to me as we started to run.

We reached Mr Steele’s office without passing by anyone else, thank God, I think I would’ve passed out if I had to face Dan. Mike reached his hand up to knock on the door, but I stopped it just in time.

“If I don’t come out alive I want you to know that I love you,” I whispered.

“I know,” Mike answered as he knocked on the door.

After a few seconds the door swung open, revealing a very stressed and angry school principle.

“You two are in serious trouble; get in here before I lose my patience.” Mr Steele said sternly as we quickly stepped inside.

“Crap,” Mike muttered under his breath, I didn’t know what he was so upset about until –

“I’m very disappointed in you both, I have no idea what went through your heads when you committed such a crime.” George, the head of the Semita said disgusted.

“Well technically it’s not a crime,” Mike replied.

“You’re in no place to be arguing with anyone Michael,” Mr Steele said.

I shot Mike a look, I had no idea what the hell he was thinking, was he trying to get us kicked out of school?

“Yes, I do realise that Sir and Scarlett and I are without doubt very, very sorry for what we’ve done and we’re more than happy to complete our punishment,” I was trying so hard to keep the laughter in I was going red, that was hilarious, and I have absolutely no idea where it came from, but I knew I couldn’t keep quiet the whole time.

“I’m extremely sorry for the appalling behaviour that Michael and I showed today as well. I honestly don’t know what happened, but I am definitely happy to carry out any punishment that is needed,” I really hoped that was good enough, otherwise I was in big trouble.

“Thank you very much Scarlett and Michael, I think I’ve seen enough, hurry up and get to class please,” Mr Steele said. I quickly stood up, not wanting to stay any longer than I had to.

“Well that went well,” Michael commented when we got out of the office.

“Well?” I asked exasperated. “That went well? Are you serious? The head of the Semita was there!” I practically yelled at him.

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