Chapter 8

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Hi lovlies, here's chapter 8, hope you like it! PLEASE COMMENT! WE WOULD REALLY LOVE SOME FEEDBACK! We really hope that you are enjoying the book so far, and if you are please tell other people about it as we would really love a few more reads and votes. Thank you guys so much for reading it, we really appreciate it as we've been working really hard on this book!

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As I jumped into Mike’s car he handed me a piece of material.

“To cover your eyes with babe, so you don’t know where we’re headed,” Mike explained.

“Ugh, I’m not your ‘babe’ Mike,” I said for the millionth time as I angrily tied the material over my eyes. “Why do I even need this thing on anyways, It’s not like I’m going to really care where we are going.”

“You’re a feisty gal and that’s what I like about you,” Michael said. I couldn’t see him anymore but I could feel his breath near my face.

“Eww get away from me Mike! I’m not your girlfriend!” I yelled at him.

“Hmm maybe not right now but I know how you truly feel about me darling.”

That was about the extent of our conversation through the whole car trip. We made a few exchanges every now and then which mostly involved me complaining or telling Michael off. The annoying thing was that I had no idea where we were going, he could be taking me to a crappy old restaurant in an old country town or to some club way out of town so no one would know us, maybe then he’d try to seduce and annoy me into being his girlfr-eww NO! I’m not going to even think about that because I’m not going to let it happen!

“We’re here!” Michael interrupted my thoughts.

“Yay,” I said sarcastically as Mike held my hand and helped me out of the car.

“Wait there babe I’ll just grab some things out of the boot.” The car boot opened with a click, I could hear him rummaging around in it, I wondered what he had in there. Bang! The boot was closed, and Mike grabbed my hand and started to lead me somewhere.

“Can I take this off yet?” I asked while tugging at the fabric.

“Uh-ah Letty keep it on, we’re nearly there,” Mike said.

After a few minutes of me half walking – half being dragged, and a lot of stumbling over, we finally reached where ever we were meant to be. Michael picked me up and I squealed.

“Put me down Mike!” I exclaimed.

“Naww come one babe, I was just having a little bit of fun!”

“Well can I at least take this stupid blind-fold off now?”

“Yes Letty,” Mike replied.

I yanked the material away from my eyes and got prepared for the worst.

“You can open your eyes now babe, no need to keep me hanging.”

I opened my eyes and sighed, a sigh of relief and curiosity. Why would Michael take me here? It was completely the opposite of what I was expecting. It was a nice quiet place beside the river, all of the green foliage created a hidden space for us under the old dropping willow tree. Its leaves swayed in the gentle breeze, the leaves brushing and making ripples on the water’s surface. A small row boat was fixed to the river bank nearby, rocking back and forth, back and forth.

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