Chapter 1

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Hey guys thanks for continuing to read our book you r support is well noted. Oh and if you didnt know the prologue is from the antagonists point of view. Chapter 1 is from the protagonists view....... well enjoy ;)

I burst through the doors and broke into an inhumane run. I heard wood splinter behind me, taking the force of my rage. I was pissed. If I heard her name again I swear I would kill someone. That little traitor was using up my time and patience, she was one of us; and she came to us after things got difficult for her. I couldn’t believe that Laila had listened to them, I mean, why would she? We had looked after her for pretty much her whole life, and then when someone from the Potens Vinculum’s came and told her that she could be so much more powerful if she ‘joined’ them, and that it was her ‘destiny’ to come with them, she listened. Then to make matters worse, her powers really did grow stronger, and now she’s on the bad side. The ‘gifted’ girl had killed a circle member.

This is a terrible problem. If the Vinc’s came into our land just to have the possibility of getting Laila back, it definitely meant that she’s powerful. Although it is expected for her to be powerful as she came from a strong, pure bloodline. And knowing the Vinc’s they will not think twice of using her for their needs. She could be the tipping point of our century’s long battle.

This is why I never trusted her she was just like those other ‘geniuses’ back at the Vinc’s. And after all, the quote ‘Too smart for your own good’ is more than just a saying. In fact I don't trust any of these supernatural freaks especially the werewolves. I mean how do you trust someone who is not only human but also a vicious beast? But then again I’m being kind of hypocritical, after all I am a blood sucking she devil i.e. vampire. But I am different I’m not a full vampire; I am half human and half vampire, which means I have all the benefits of being a vampire plus the benefits of being a human such as sleeping, eating, crying and other things along those lines.

But I’m not saying that everyone who isn’t human is a freak. I may be a vampire, but that doesn’t mean that I’m sneaky, sly and untrusting. Yeah, there are some vampires you can’t trust, but me; well people say I’m responsible.  Ever since my parents died I’ve had to take on a lot but I never really knew what was best for me without my best friend Lyssa.

They got me through the years of my denial to my parents’ passing. Sometimes I still don’t believe it. It has been nearly a century since their passing but it is a lot to grasp. It was not easy for me for all I knew, I was turning into a freak. Also adding onto my stress I had no parents and nowhere to go, plus I had a younger brother to take care of. Even though I am coven leader now, I still have fears and regrets.

“Damn it!” I muttered looking up to see Lyssa hovering above me by perching on a tree branch. She looked at me with worry in her questioning eyes, “Oh, hey! What’s up?” I asked, curious to know why she was so far from home.

“I heard what happened and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Thanks. I’m fine, just stressed that’s all.”

“Seriously Scarlett, there is nothing to stress about. Mom said the circle know which way she went, which means we kind of know where she is.”

“Really?” I questioned as I was honestly puzzled. “Why would she leave an obvious trail if she didn’t want anyone to follow her?” Laila was sounding less like a genius by the second.

“I don’t know! Why are you asking me anyway, it’s not like I pay attention to all of this. I’ve got better things to do...” she paused “Like going to a party! And you’re coming with.” She said slyly.

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