Chapter 7

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Sup lovely readers!!! LOL Anyways we have decided to put up the next (this) chapter for you to say sorry for taking so long to update last time!! As I'm sure we have told you all before we can't controll when we update because we do have lives other than wattpad!!! anyways please enjoy


“Well that was an eventful day,” I said.

“Yeah, but the new girl’s hot!” Blake replied.

“Excuse me? What did you say about that smart ass?” Katrina said.

“Just kidding babe, I would never cheat on you,” Blake replied.

“Same here, there’s only one girl in my life,” Michael said as he winked at me, I rolled my eyes and walked past them. “Oh come on babe, you know you want me.”

“Hmm . . . how about NO!” I screamed at him.

“You certainly didn’t feel this way last night,” Michael smirked at me.

“LAST NIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?” Lys yelled at me popping up out of nowhere.

“Nothing!” I yelled exasperated while shooting my killer death stare at Michael. Yet he didn’t seem affected at all, he just raised his hands up in a show of innocence.

“Oh . . . okay,” Lys said confused, but sent me a mind link.

Tell me later

I nodded at her and continued walking.

“But back on track, who’s the new girl, as in what’s her name?” I asked

“Well to me, she’s the new Mrs Mcenzie,” Jayden announced.

“Oh really, I didn’t think she looked like the type of girl who is in to annoying teenage boys who could turn into wolves,” Katrena smirked at him.

“Babe, all the chicks want a guy who can turn into a wolf.” Blake winked at Kat. “And you’re just one of those lucky chicks.” He finished.

“One? One of those lucky girls? You’ve had a girlfriend before?” Katrina asked exasperated.

“Yup.” Blake answered honestly. “But none of them were as good as you baby. You’re a keeper.” Blake walked over and gave Kat a hug. Aww they were so sweet together. Blake seems all bad ass on the outside, but deep down, everyone knows his soft side; Katrina.

“Come on lets go home.” I said, sick of being near Michael and this stupid school.

“Okay!” Lys replied skipping off in front of everyone.

“Hay, you okay?” Michael whispered in my ear.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I retorted.

“Don’t know; you just seem a bit off.” He said observing my face.

“Well… it’s honestly none of your business.”

“Really? So now that we’re a couple I don-“

“Couple?” I whispered loudly. “We aren’t a couple. We were never dating and we’re never going to. Okay?” I stated firmly.

“Great!” Michael cheered. “I’ll pick you up at eight.” He said, before walking in the opposite direction to his car.

“It’s never going to happen smart ass!” I called after him.

“Fine! I’ll just have to make sure my muscles are ready to go at eight.” He called back.

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