The spellbook and the blackhooded men

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Carlo's POV

"Okay the three of you are obviously spellcaster's" Nadia said as she placed a spellbook on the kitchen table

Me,Cassandra, and her twin sister gloria were seated on the other side of the table my grandmother is sitting across from us.

"I will teach some spells like a binding spell,which is a spell you use to hold a person in place"

"Then I will teach you the notback spell, which you use to push or blow something or someone away"she added

"Last but not least the fog spell,a spell to create..well obviously a fog"

We have been here for half an hour after dinner. My grandmother explained about spells and rules.

"Now remember..don't use magic in public,okay?"she demanded

"Okay"we said

"Since you're powers haven't kicked in you will memories these spells, most of them are in Latin,Hebrew,and French"

"I got one question.. It doesn't involve this but how did we escape the lab?" Cassandra asked"I asked your sister and Stephen but they just said 'we just did' "

"We had some people help us that worked in the lab and with the help of my sister and Stephen we got away easily because they are both vampires"


"What!?" We all said

"How is you're sister a vampire I thought she was a whitch like you"I asked

"If she was she would be as old as I am, but she got turned into one and she lost her powers at the age of eighteen"She said looking down"I'll explain everything one day"

"But for know let's memories these spells. Shall we?"


Katherine's POV

I woke up to the sound of a window braking

Then I heard glass cracking as someone stepped on it followed by two more people

Well the inhaste hearing dose come in handy after all

I looked over to my left to see Brenda still sleeping on her bed

How couldn't she hear the window break?

"Brenda...wake up"I said while shaking her awake"come on brenda wake up"

"Stop let me sleep Kat"she said in a sleepy voice

"Didn't you hear that?"I whispered

"Its probably a bir-"a crash in the kitchen inturupted her waking her up in panic

We looked at each other, then we quickly reached down in our beds to get a duffle bag out

We all have them under our beds for this reason only. If someone ever found us or broke in like right know we would grab them and run

We put out shoes and jackets on. I could hear the others doing the same, these walls are like paper thin.

Every room has a fire escape my grandmother chose this apartment for this specific reason.

We climbed out of the window when I was about to close it a man with a blachhood walked in our room.

I quickly put the window down as he ran to us

"Run down hurry!"I said in pure panic

Luckily me and brenda quickly ran down we just needed one more stair and we would be on the ground

As we fell on our feet we ran towards the exit of the alley

Out of nowhere three men with blackhoods were in front of us

There vampires

We took out our pocket knives

Yes nine year old girls like us have pocket knives. In our world it makes perfect sense

"Where are you going little girls?" the man in the middle said with a deep villain like voice

""You have no idea how much money we'll get from the StClouds. Two subjects are worth a lot of money."said the man on the right

"True especially you"one of them pointed at me"those scientists trying to make you the second female werewolf in the world, for that will get millions"

"You are getting nothing"Katerina said behind us

All of a sudden she was on top of leader braking his neck

Then she had the second man on the wall, he was struggling against her grip then she got him on his knees and broke his neck

This was happening way too fast literally

Katerina wasn't a whitch,obviously she got her powers taken from her but I didn't know how

She turned to face the last guy standing he was lookin at her then at us

"Don't even think about it,or I'll rip you're heart out"she seethed

The man made one step and Katerina was on top of him in a second

"Don't underestimate me shaman"

Okay maybe there not all vampires

But Katerina I could see her fangs as she talked

"Don't please I didn't touch them,I won't please... I have kids please"

She looked at him "Fine I won't hurt you but...i will not let you get away easily"

"Your going to persuade me aren't you?"the shaman asked

"Well you're not wrong"

"You are going back to you're kid's,take them somewhere safe cause they would kill you if the found out you left, and never ever get near these it?"she said

"Got it"he agreed

She got off of him and he left, she looked at us and walked towards us

"Are you girls okay?"


"Okay, Stephen got to the others in time. Come on were leaving for good"she said in a quiet voice

We jogged out the alley crossed the street made a right and the black van the waited for us was there

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding once I saw everyone safe. We were all safe

For know

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