Our Finall Goodbye

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Katherine's POV

Today, is the day of my grandmother's funeral.

She wanted to be buried in Beloit, it's were she met my godfather, and has lived there when she came to the states

I honestly didn't want to go.


Well, One I would be devastated. Two to many memories in Wisconsin that I don't want to replace with a funeral. And three I'm scared that once I see her lifeless body....I'll loose myself.

But I have to go, a part of me doesn't but the other dose.

I feel lost, I feel...alone. I'm just broken down.

Ever since I woke up, I barley talked, I didn't eat much, as much as my stomach grumbled, I didn't.

Everyone tried to cheer me up, but I didn't give in.

I was practically dead, I just wanted to be alone with the memory of my grandmother.

I was on my bed holding my knees to my chest, staring at the face of loneliness.

The door opened, but I didn't bother to look up knowing it was my aunt, her sent flowing through the room.

"Hun...come on, get up. You have to get ready"

I didn't say anything, I didn't fight when she lifted me up. I just let her take me.

All the time she spent doing my hair, I didn't say a single word.

Much to my surprise. I just nodded or shook my head.

She tried to have a decent talk with me, but I didn't have in me.

As much as I tried, I couldn't.

My aunt held my hand, when she walked me down the stairs.

Everyone was dressed in black, they all wore a sad expression.

Carlos was standing next to Stephen, holding his hand

"Everyone ready?" Michael said in a quiet voice

Everybody nodded

Michael looked at me and gave me a reassuring nod

I nodded back and tightened my hold in my aunts hand

We walked outside, each and every single person going into a car

I looked up at the sky and sighed

The wind was brushing against the leaves of the trees. The sun shining down, hitting our faces. Birds singing a sad melody, tormenting me in my despair.

As we made our way to the cemetery each second I became more, and more into stone.

No emotions showing, though I was dying inside.

I just sat there looking at the face of pain, and misery...just haunting me

Finally we arrived

I looked around and sighed 

The wind brushing my face and body, birds mimicking my pain

Sun shining through the meadows of the cemetery

My aunt told me that the cemetery is a family one.

Our family chose this one because its sacred ground

The view of the meadow was beautiful...but the head stones only stole its beauty

We walked towards an opening on the ground

People came, I was introduced to them

Though I didn't say much

I just shook their hands and said my name

Five minutes later, my grandmother's casket was in everyone's site

The priest talked, but I didn't pay any attention

I just stared at the casket, the casket that my grandmother was in

Later on my aunt went up to speak

She spoke about how great she was, what her goals and dreams she had. And how was a savior to us.

"We will all miss her dearly, especially Katherine and Carlos. These kids were adored by Nadia....they were so special to her. She really did love them as if they were her flesh and blood. Life..will never, be the same without her...."

With that, people went up to say their memories they had with my Grandmother.

All the time I felt as if she was next to me.

They were putting her casket down, slowly.

I felt a tear, swim down my face.

I walked towards the opening and dropped my rose. Landing on the casket.

Followed by Carlos...then everyone else

To me...you're still alive. But this will not be our last goodbye

To be continued...

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