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Carlo's POV

I don't know how long we'll be hear

I hate it hear, its too quiet

Ever since Michael rescued us yesterday. No one has told us what happened while we were captured

The same questions keep popping in my head

Where's Katherine and my Grandmother?

Why won't they tell my what happened?

Why are we hear in my Godfather's house?

What the hell is going on?

I just want god damn answers

There was a knock on my door I waited for a couple of seconds for the person to come in but they didn't

I rolled my eyes and said "Come in"

The door opened and my Aunt came in

"How you doing?"

"I'm good"

"That's...good"she looked down

Her eyes were read as if she has been crying for hours

"What's wrong?"I asked

"Nothing...nothing's wrong"

"Tell me what happened, please where's my grandmother...where's Katherine?"

"Oh god...this is so hard. I don't know how to tell you this"she said while crying

"Tell me what?"I said with knitted eyebrows

"Carlos...what I'm about to say bight be a little hard for you. But...you're sister.. was.. bitten by a werewolf...and now she is in a coma"

"What!? Why didn't you tell me this before!"

"Carlos, calm down. You're grandmother, tried to stop one of them but...there were to many werewolves and...one of them....one of them...killed her"

she said the last part in a whisper

As if afraid that I might hear

I wish that I didn't

"What"I said in a small voice

I shook my head "You're lying, she's not dead!"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes

"Carlos I whish..I really do..t-that this isn't true. That this isn't real..but it is. I whish that I was lying..but I'm not"she said in a low voice

I lost both my parents, they died trying to get me back

And now the person who saved us,the person that gave me her name..just for me not to feel alone..is dead

"No...no"I was now in tears

Grieving for someone that I have lost

But I'm also grieving for Katherine..she might die

And I don't know if I can handle loosing another person that I love

But I have to be strong for Katherine

I can't hide in a corner and grieve forever

I've done that before

Every time I would remember my parents I would shut the world away

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