The Awakening

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Victor's POV

The waiting is killing me, from the inside

Katherine has been in a coma for a month

We've been anticipated for her to wake up

She keeps having seizures. It has gotten worse, each one.

Last week her seizure had gotten to a point, when Katherine started to dislocate her arms and shoulders.

Michael said 'it won't be long for her to wake up.'

Yeah, you've been saying that for weeks

Was my thought when he told us the news

But I kept my mouth shut, even though I know everyone thought the same thing

While we were waiting for Katherine to make progress

Carlos stared to show signs of his powers, a long with Brenda.

But, her powers are a little slow on its progress.

The twins, well there still waiting.

So yeah, our powers are our distraction from this chaos.

Kind of selfish don't you think?

So that's why I'm here

In the recovery room, where Katherine has been for a month.

"Uh...hey.....I have no idea what to say..... We need you Kat. I don't think we can survive this without you."

I side deeply shaking my head

"You know you're like a sister to hurts to see you like this. I just don't know how Carlos can handle this."

I ran my fingers in my hair and gripped it

I can't handle this. When will this end?

"You okay?"

I looked back and saw Gloria standing under the doorway

I nodded "Yeah"

She walked towards but stopped, a foot away

"You don't look like it.....Is she okay"

It took me awhile to answer. As if my mouth wasn't connected to my brain

"I honestly don't know"

Gloria let out an frustrated sigh

"We can't give up....I mean...she's our friend..what if she never comes back, Victor?"

I turned to face her,and worry was written all over her face

"Don't worry gloria, if we just have enough hope. Shell come back, okay?

She nodded and looked down "Okay"

"She looks a little better...I looks like she's getting some color and her..heart beat seams to be stable...don't you think"

I looked at Katherine, Gloria is right. Katherine seems less pale than before. And her heart dose seem stable

But you never know, it could take a couple more weeks for her to come back.

"Yeah, I guess"

"Hey...who was the one talking about having hope"

I rolled my eyes "Me"

"Than why are you saying 'I guess'. We can't think like this, Vic. I'm pretty sure shell come back to us"

I nodded "yeah you're right...I just keep doubting it"

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