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Brenda's POV

Why is this happening?

My best friend, who is like a sister to me. Is in a coma

And when she wakes up, she'll remember that her grandmother is dead

Not just that but shell also be a full blown werewolf

Michael said that when she wakes up, shell have her first change. And there's a chance that she won't survive

I just hope that she will,cause I can't bare one more day of loosing someone I care about

If she dies, I don't know what I will do

I'll be fucking depressed

And that is a serious issue, cause I have been through that and its hard to get out of

No matter how much you talk about it to god damn useless fucking therapist, it just won't go away

Maybe in other cases some people do get it out of there system, by talking to them

But in my case I didn't

It took me six years to at least feel good for a minute

I might sound like I'm exaggerating,but I'm not

Just add my brothers murder,the torture of the icris group,and now this

I lost Nadia, we all lost her

She was like an angel,she saved us, she was a close friend

And then,Katherine she was bitten,and she might die

All that pain, all this grief , and sorrow, it can't go away just by talking to some complete stranger or taking some stupid pills

It slowly goes away, by surrounding yourself with good people and talk to people who have actually gone through this

So what will I do if, Katherine doesn't survive?

I'll grieve and grieve for god knows how long

If only we we're human, we would be normal

We wouldn't be scared all the time, we wouldn't train,we wouldn't have to fight for our lives

We would be happy,we would be care free,we would enjoy every single second of our lives, instead of being scared of loosing it

But no, we have to deal with this life and the problems it has

Whether we like it or not


Seven days...

Seven days of waiting...

Seven days of torture...

Seven days of no answers...

Seven days...since the accident happened

If this is how hell feels like

I'm gonna start going to church

I'm sad and bored..and that is an awful combination

So I decided to pay a little visit to the creepy twins aka Cassandra and Gloria

Oh trust me they are beyond creepy

First they finish there sentences and they look at each other either when there in trouble or have an evil plan they have to prank you

Or simply when they have something important to tell you

And they talk at the same time when someone asks them something, usually they say the same answer

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