Next thing we know he'll be admitting to wearing foundation and pink lace thongs

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Listening to drag me down on repeat. I have no life....its quite sad really

Luv oo

Thea xx

Pt 8 pt 1 - Next thing we know he'll be admitting to wearing foundation and pink lace thongs

We all soon get engrossed in the movie, laughing and giggling (in Ashton's case at least) from time to time and passing round the chocolate milk which we drink from the carton because we're rebels and can't be tamed.

On the second pass round doesn't get past me and Ashton since we decide to keep it and drink it ourselves, though a large portion came out of Ashton's nose since he giggled half way though drinking. He did then excuse himself for a few minutes to clean up and calm down before coming back and sitting with is again.

"Who's up for watching If I Stay?" Luke asks once Mean Girls is over. We all agree but I look at Luke with a minor amount of worry, no boy that I have ever come across in my eighteen years of existence is this well informed on girly movies. Next thing we know he'll be admitting to wearing foundation and pink lace thongs which would be cool for my mum since she would have someone to go to for all her thong problems other than me and my dad who are both clueless on the subject and to be honest don't give a shit.

By the end of If I Say me, Luke and Carri are all sobbing with no intention of calming down. That movie is sad as fuck and you need to let the tears out now before they come back and haunt you on your period and you start crying for no apparent reason. At least Luke doesn't have to worry about that. Lucky little shit.


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