Truth or Dare

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That was heard all through Mount Justice that morning. Several arrows were fired at a red and yellow streak racing around the room. Robin looked to where the arrows came from to see a female archer in a towel with rage in her eyes.
"GIVE ME BACK MY CLOTHES NOW!" Artemis yelled.
Aqualad/Kaldur sighed before creating a mace with his water-bearers. He swung and swiped at the ground, tripping up Kid Flash/Wally, sending clothes everywhere. "Evig reh eht sehtolc"(give her the clothes) Zatanna said casually, sending the clothes to Artemis, who took them back to her room.
Miss Martian, or M'gann/Megan, levitated Wally to his room. "Something has to be done with them" Conner/Superboy sighed. Robin just grinned "And I know just what" before laughing almost menacingly.

"Artemis, Wally, come into the main room!" Robin shouted "We're playing truth or dare!" Artemis groaned as she entered, while Wally was ecstatic. "Finally! I've been waiting since day one!"
Once there were all seated, Wally went first. "Um, Kaldur! Truth or Dare?" "I would like to choose truth" he replied, keeping his formal speech. Wally sat thinking for a while, before asking "do you have a crush on anyone?"
Aqualad looked at the floor with a sad expression. "Yes. Tula. When I left for the surface word she got with my best friend Garth, now Tempest. It broke my heart." Everyone was surprised with this, he rarely spoke about Atlantis, and this proved why.
Kaldur looked up and saw the mood he put them all in, so he asked "Connor, do you pick truth or dare?" Conner, keeping his tough and stubborn huffed "Dare me!" Kaldur grinned, something that made it clear he had something mischievous planned. It had to be bad, he never grins. "I dare you to wear a Superman costume for the duration of the game."
Conner just glared, got up, and left. A minute later he returned in a Superman costume, curl and all, to the main room. He almost spat out "Zatanna, Truth or dare?", proving he wasn't happy with the change of wardrobe. The magician plainly said "Dare" with a slight glance at Robin, which didn't go unnoticed by Conner.
"Kiss Robin" he dared Zatanna, before returning to his normal self, slightly arrogant and quiet. Both Zatanna and the Boy Wonder blushed, before she stood up, walked over to Robin and sat on his lap. She swung her arms around her neck and pulled him into a long kiss. Robin, though shocked at first, relaxed and kissed back, massaging her thigh with his thumb and pulled her closer. Wally took out his phone, and took a picture for Instagram, with #chalant.

A few minutes later, they pulled away but Zatanna didn't move off the Boy Wonders lap. She looked at Conner with almost a thanking smile, before turning and asking Artemis "Truth or dare?" Artemis realised where she was going with it, but all she could do was glare. "F*ck it, dare!" She said, with her lips curling up a bit at the end. Go into the supply closet, we'll send you your companion in a flash!" Before Artemis could react, Wally had picked her up and ran to put her in the closet.
Robin being Robin, expected him to do that, so he had Red Arrow/Roy stand beside the closet. The second Wally ran in, Roy shut the door and bolted it shut. All he said was "For every attempt to leave, it's another minute on top of your 7!" Roy shouted at them as the rest of the team gathered around. Robin had put security cameras in the closet, and was watching like a hawk, or a robin, you pick.

*****in the closet, Wally's POV*****

I don't believe them! They know Speedsters are claustrophobic! And I'm stuck with Artemis?! Are they wanting me to die?! It was Robin, he...he planned this! Oh god I swear the walls are closing in! What's worse is he knows I like Artemis, but she couldn't like me, I flirt with her best friend! Okay that is a stunt to get close to her but I think she hates me for it. Oh god the walls, I cant bear it!
Suddenly my train of thought gets stopped when I hear Artemis shout "WALLY!" I jump and huddle into a ball, and then the magical happened: The Artemis Crock, held my arms. Not much you might think, but it was to me. She then asks, with concern in her voice, "Are you okay Wally?" "Walls...claustro....all speedst-" was all I could muster before she interrupted me. "It's okay, it's okay here I can help" she tells me before counting on her fingers. Then she walks over to the door and shakes on it, trying to get out! I yell "DONT! IT WILL ONLY EXTEND THE TIME!" I could barely hear her mutter "I know. She counted on her fingers again, then I saw a flashing red dot in the corner. She must have saw it aswell, because she picked up a broom and bashed it up, and a little 'R'. That little bastard was behind this! Then Artemis did something amazing. She picked me up and said "I know you like me, it's practically obvious. And I kinda really like you, so like what the hell? And I guess it's now 15 minutes in heaven". I almost instantly caught her drift, so I pushed her against the wall, took her cheeks in my hands and crashed my lips on hers. Her hands shot to my shoulders, feeling my biceps before moving  her hands to my abs. It was amazing the feeling. I grabbed her hair in one hand and my other shot to her thigh. I felt a slight tug on my top, so I pulled back and raised an eyebrow, before removing it only to get pushed onto the floor. She crawled seductively up my legs, before straddling my waist. She removed her top so now she was only in her jeans and bra. And she looked hot! Part of me was thinking 'This is wrong!' while another was thinking 'You're 17, she's 17, its cool! She was the one to take her top off, so its cool!' I just ignored the voices, grabbing her ribs and pulling her down into a rough kiss, which slowly progressed into a fierce make out session which somehow caused Artemis to lose her bra...

About 10 minutes later, we were exhausted. I picked up her bra to give it to her, but she threw it away. She snuggled into me and said "I don't give a sh*t what they think of it, that was f*cking awesome!" She gathered the tops into a pile and put them under my head, so I could lean back. She climbed on top of me so that her legs were at either side of mine and our chests were together. 'This is awesome!' Was all that ran through my head. I noticed that she had fallen asleep, her head under my chin. I relaxed and fell asleep.

****le Time-skip 10 minutes****

I was woken to a flash. And a lot of laughter. When my eyes had adjusted, I looked to see Robin with his camera taking pictures, Zatanna staring with a questioning look, Roy with his mouth hanging open, Kaldur giving a disappointed expression and Megan and Conner having a make-out session opposite the door. Zatanna just asks "did you...?" "Oh God no! Just a kiss that heated very quickly. Can you give me a hand getting her clothes back on?" "Sure" the magician replied.
Just as her top went on, Artemis woke up. "Hey handso-Why am I dressed?" She looks around, "Ah! Dear f*cking Jesus Christ! How long have they been here?" "Long enough to get, umm, 1987 photos" Robin smirked.
Then Artemis' eyes grew. "Rob, truth or Dare!?" The boy wonder stared at her in confusion before realising: the game wasnt over. "Dare...?" He asked with uncertainty in his voice. "Delete all of them. Now! And get a room, Supes!" She called to Conner, who jumped a bit and Megan squealed. "Ah ghung! Ahh!"(My tongue! Argh!) She attempted to say. We all laughed and Conner blushed furiously while apologising.
"Anyways, where were we Baywatch?"

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