How things have changed...

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Dick's POV
(Le magical flashback, 4 years ago)

Justice League Watchtower
1st January 2012
00:16 AM

We pulled back from our New Years Kiss, and we were both smiling like hell.
Okay Rob. You can do this. Just ask her, simple as. I mean she did kiss you, so she would hardly say no.

I looked into Zatanna's eyes and asked the question that I have been dying to ask her for months now.

"Zatanna Zatara will you go do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?"

Her face went red, and she kissed me. SHE KISSED ME! I kissed back and I could hear Wally wolf whistling. We pulled back and just looked at him, noticing he was still holding Artemis in his arms. We blushed and continued kissing

(Present day)

December 29th 2014
09:00 PM

Why did she do this to me? I can't believe that after nearly 4 years, she could just dump me, like I was some rotten garbage bag in her life. "We can still be friends". She might aswell have said "I know Jason has died, but we can still keep him in the house"! Why could she do this to me? I tucked the small black velvet box I had planned to open for her in the far back corner of my bedside locker, beside one of Jason's bird-a-rang . I'd done everything I could. Maybe that wasn't enough...

Heya everyone!

I know it has been ages since i updated, so here ya go! sorry for the sadness and shortness, I got a sudden piece of inspiration. This is about Team Year 3, or 2014 to follow continuity in the series.

So long slowcoaches!


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