You Make My Pulse Race

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Side note: {}=Scarab
<>=Blue Beetle's thoughts

Team Year 15
El Paso, TX
August 9th, 15:38 CST

It was an ordinary day in El Paso, and that was troubling. Usually, Jaime would get a message about any activity from the ever expanding Watch Tower, but today there was nothing. Eight years ago, most of the Team members were accepted into the Justice League, Bart and Jaime being amongst the few. However, as per usual, there couldn't be a single moment of pure quietness without the Blue Beetle Scarab intruding.

{They still fear us Jaime Reyes, we are the most powerful in the Justice League.}
<No hermano, they don't. We are inferior, that must stay our mental focus. We don't need another Reach Attack like ten years ago.>

He could always mentally control the armour, but with enough concentration he can mentally converse with the Scarab. And by ten years ago, he is, of course, referring to the time when his willingness to trust easily resulted in an entire Invasion on Earth taking place. The aftermath of that invasion shook everyone. They temporarily lost Wally, the first Kid Flash. The original Team, The Flash and Artemis took it the worst, but everyone could feel the pressure that was on Bart Allen. Bart took up the mantle of Kid Flash after Wally died. He was proud to be following in his cousin's footsteps, but felt like he is replacing him.

One year later, Vandal Savage was about to destroy the Earth. With Vandal's Death Clock near the stroke of twelve, he and Jaime declared their honest affection for each other. Nothing ties people together like the threatening of the Apocalypse. Something about one intrigued the other, something that neither could pinpoint.

Then, seven years ago, when Wally returned, Bart was about to return the costume when a major event occurred, something everyone calls the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Barry Allen, Bart's grandfather, The Flash, was killed in the aftermath. Wally became the Flash, and Bart continued being Kid Flash. This 'dynamic duo' moment didn't last for more than four years, as a strange event caused a second and final death to Wally. With his last breath, Wally declared his love to Artemis, apologised to Nightwing and, with his last breath, requested that Bart became The Flash. Jaime remembered that moment vividly. He began thinking about the last three years, how great it was to be a part of the team that revived Ted Kord, and simply being a League member in total. This train of thought was about to leave the station, only to have a speedster blow it up...

"Hey beautiful! It's a shame to see the blueness has worn off for the moment. It really brought out your eyes" Bart stated, mocking a YouTube make-up tutorial. "Come on, let's go for a walk, or a sprint, come on please? I know just the place! It's-"

{no one will notice if we use the Matter Disruptor....}

"WE ARE NOT USING THE- ~ahem~ we are not using the thing you said Scarab. And no ése, I'm not in the mood at the moment." Jaime answered. Bart's eyes drooped a small bit, as he took off the Flash mask. "Not the first time you've said that" Bart replied, "But if that's the case Volks*, I have something to show you. NOT IN THAT SENSE but it is still just as epic! Come on! It's not far! We could Tube there either, if you want! Actually yes! Boom Tube or else I'll carry you!"

##A/N: Herbie is the name of a Volkswagen in the 'Herbie' movies, and has the nickname of Herbie the Love Bug. Leave it to Bart to come up with something as weird as that.##

Jaime rolled his eyes. He hated being carried, and Bart always followed through with his deals. Sighing, he gave in to, in his own words, 'the cute and adorable speedster who won't shut up'.

<Scarab, activate the armour.>
{Yes, Jaime Reyes.}
<Use the Motherbox extract to Boom Tube to where Bart sets>
{The location is set. Triggering Boom Tube.}

Bart fidgeted with something hidden behind his lightning emblem, while Blue Beetle extended his arm, opening the Boom Tube. With a red and gold streak of light, Bart ran into the portal, followed by a flying Blue Beetle. Once through, the portal closed.

Jaime looked around him, only seeing rocks. And that was when he remembered something. It was when Bart first fell for him, according to the main man himself. Looking at Bart with curiosity, he asked "is this some dumb joke?" That was when Bart repeated the first line he said to Jaime that made the latter bite his lip. "Loose the attitude, gain some altitude!"

Rolling his eyes, AGAIN, Jaime flew up and looked down. Upon reaching the exact same height as all those years ago, he couldn't believe the sight. Made out of rocks, was the outline of Bart in his Impulse suit on one knee, with a ring in his hand. Jaime couldn't take it. He flew straight down and sure enough, in front of him, was Bart Allen in his updated Impulse suit, proposing to him. "This is long overdue, but I need to ask; will you, Jaime Reyes, make me, Bart Allen, the happiest man to ever exist?"

Blue shook his head. "No. I-I won't..."

Bart's eyes opened. He couldn't believe it. He was about to lower the ring when Jaime removed his armour and exclaimed "Because you just made me the happiest man!" Bart's eyes lit up, and without a para-second to waste he kissed his boyfriend. This moment is one that both will remember throughout time.

Bart then realised something that moment. In his future, where the Blue Beetle Scarab has conquered the earth, he finally understood why he received those small rocks. The Scarab remembered this. The Scarab felt emotion on a human level from this. And it was then, only then he realised that something will happen to Jaime, and he just has to be there to save him even if it costs him his life.

After all, he wants to be with him for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, all the days of his life.

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