When you love someone...

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Come home after class,
Don't be hanging around the back
Of the school yard.

Wally West was not his usual self, and his friends started to notice this. He wouldn't whip back with a comment any chance he got. In fact, he seemed to take the playful banter as criticism, and Artemis wanted to know why.

I've been called up by a teacher,
Says she can't even reach ya
'Cause you're so far.

It started off small and innocent, but now it has gotten to the stage where he no longer seemed to care about training in the Cave, or even being Kid Flash. Artemis asked each of the other Team members about Wally, but their response was always the same.

You've been talking with your fists.
We didn't raise you up like this
Now, did we?

She went and asked the Flash, but he wouldn't let her in on the situation. "Wally trusts you, but needs a bit of a nudge to talk. Talk to him alone, and don't make a big deal about it. Let him sit out of a few training sets and missions. He needs the rest."

There's been changes in this house,
Things you didn't know about
In this family.

Artemis had a good idea as to what was happening, and so did Robin. "Let me talk to him," Robin would ask, "I've been his best friend for nearly five years!" But Artemis wouldn't budge, and with a small tear forming in her eye and a small smile of reassurance , she pleaded "I know what he is feeling, please just let me..."

It don't make sense,
But nevertheless;
You've got to believe us,
It's all for the best.

She caught him as he was about to leave the kitchen. He was walking with his hands in his black hoodie. Wally was using his powers less each day, as well as wearing more black. Artemis stretched out and caught his elbow, pulling his sleeve up just a little to notice a few thin lines, some white and some brown due to recently formed clotting. Both of their eyes opened, but for different reasons: Artemis' because the boy she fell for was harming himself; and Wally because the girl he had fallen for had found out. Wally ran back to his room, albeit at a slower pace than usual.

It don't make sense
The way things go
But son you should know...

Artemis ran to Wally's bedroom, and barged in. And she saw him. Both sleeves rolled up, a Stanley blade in hand. Only then did she notice the bruises along his neck, elbows and temples. "I don't use my powers, because then they'll heal. I don't want them to heal." Wally whispered, looking anywhere but at Artemis. She walked over and hugged him, causing him to latch on and cry his heart out. While soothing him, she noticed something on the floor. A family picture, torn, Wally and his sister Willow with their mother, leaving his father alone. "They're getting a divorce, my parents," Wally commented, "and I'm the reason. I have my speed, meaning dads punches don't hurt as bad anymore, but I heard Mom ranting a few weeks ago, going on that I'm an "ungrateful specimen wasting her good time and earnings". My sister doesn't understand any of this. I mean, she is only 8 after all. I hate my dad, but I don't want him and mom getting a divorce. It's all because of me. I'm the reason..."

Artemis held him close, and looked him in the eyes, letting him read all the pain she once went through, and vice versa. "Listen, Wally, I know all about parents divorcing, but it's not your fault. Because with families, things can just not work anymore. You see....

"Sometimes moms and dads
Fall out of love.
Sometimes two homes
Are better than one.
But somethings you can't tell your sister because she's still too young
And you'll understand,

"When you love someone"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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