Great Skill

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*this is my take on what happened in the gap between Arkham Origins and the Arkham Knight Batgirl DLC. Hope you enjoy!*

It was a dark, frosty night in Gotham. Most nights are, but this one was especially cold. And Gotham's reputation wasn't a warm one, especially if you are the 17 year old daughter of the GCPD's Comissioner. Barbara walked up a back alley as a shortcut to the precinct. Unfortunately, this alley was where two drunk men were waiting for a young, innocent girl to fulfil their desires. The taller one, obviously more drunk, called to her "Hey guuuurl! I'll give you 50 bucks if you suck my-" Unfortunately, however, this girl was ready. Barbara balled her fists and sent a punch into the guys stomach. "How about no, you piece of shit!" she retorted. The second guy picked up an old wine bottle he found beside him, he held the neck of the bottle and smashed it against the wall with a deafening shatter. He lunged do reward towards Barbara, who dodged the bottle, grabbed his arm and, using it as an exercise bar, swung herself up, wrapped her legs around his neck. Using the momentum gained from the swing up, she twisted and pulled back, using all her body weight to pull him down, flipping him onto his back unconscious. She almost forgot the second guy, who swung a punch at her spine. Right before he could hit her, she swung her leg back up into his chest, holding him back. "I hate you as much as I hate wheelchairs, so don't even think of putting me in one!" Placing her palms on the cement beneath her, she held herself up in a reverse push up and kicked the guy in his face. Standing up, she noticed the him standing back up, a bruise developing along his cheekbone and his jaw. He picked up two pieces of metal and ran at her. She managed to dodge a few of his swings and land a few hits of her own, but he eventually hit her. The hit was to her shin, a cheap shot but it was effective. "Leave her alone!" Echoed throughout the alley, and behind the man stood The Batman himself. Pulling out a batarang, he threw it at the drunkard knocking one of the bars out of his hand. Using this as a distraction, Barbara swung her good leg at the crook and tripped him up, the back of his head hitting the ground, knocking him out. "You showed good skill. Are you Barbara Gordon by any chance?" Batman asked, studying her from a distance. "Yes, yes I am Batman. I met you before, remember?" She asked, hopefully. "Yes, I remember you. You are good at combat, and I believe you have already deduced my identity." Batman dropped, noticing her eyes glint with knowledge as to where this conversation was going. "Yes, I have Mr. Wayne. I cross referenced with your account, reverse-engineered a batarang and even noticed Wayne Finance entered a sudden deficit when you brought out the batmobile and an array of new gadgets." Barbara listed, smiling at the end to find out she was right. "I have a new protégé in training. Nightwing wants nothing to do with the job anymore. I am having trouble communicating with him, maybe you could help me? In return I will train you to a name of your choosing." Barbara was shocked. It was actually happening. All these years of waiting. All these years of dreaming. She could at last be a hero, a role model, a guardian to all children, who she knew needed a guardian angel like she wanted. She would become The Batgirl of Gotham City.

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