I miss you...

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Dedicated to SpitfireLove439 for the suggestion.

"Wait, Where's Wally?"

Everyone stopped cheering and Impulse just looked to the ground. The Flash looked down at Artemis, put his hands on her shoulders, and said "Artemis, he wanted me to tell you..."

"No...No..."Artemis started shaking, ready to cry.

"He loved you"

She couldn't hold it any more. She let the tears fall, not caring about her tough girl image being broken. The love of her life had just been killed, and she couldn't do anything. M'gann flew over and hugged her, crying also.

~~~2 years later~~~

A car pulled up outside Keystone Cemetary, and two figures stepped out. They pushed the old gates open and made their made their way across the rows of graves to one in particular. It read;

Wallace Rudolph 'Wally' West
Born 11 November 1994
Died June 20 2016
Loving son, nephew, and boyfriend.
He died as he lived, a Hero

The younger of the two spoke first.

"Hey Wallman, Bart here. Umm... I'm not sure what to say. Not a lot has changed since we last came here. Nightwing has returned, Tim got a new name, Red Robin, and has left. There were talks of bringing you back, but wouldn't have worked. Something about your particles being scattered by the energy? I dunno. Anyways, your legacy is being held, but it's getting harder for me. I cant deal with being Kid Flash, I feel like I'm replacing you. Cyborg came over from Jump City for a while, and has been wanting to change up the suit. I wont let him, its one of the few memoirs of you left. Yea.... That's all for now, I'll let Artemis talk now. Bye..."

He trailed off the bye and went to other graves of people he knew. The blonde stepped up and took a tissue out ready.

"Hi Wally. Bart has pretty much summed up everything from the Watchtower, and has left for Kent Nelsons grave. I was clearing out our old house a week ago and found this letter. It was addressed to me, and it is in your handwriting, so I'll read it for the first time to you. Here we go;

"Dear my little Spitfire,

         I don't know why I'm writing this, but it just seemed like a good idea.

Besides the point, I booked this trip to Paris in the time we disabled the Reach MFD, and there is a reason. I love you, not even death could stop me.

So I have only one question for you. I'm should be kneeling in front of you, and I will need you to hand me the little roundish package at the bottom of this letter. Now I need you to answer the question"

The letter ended there, and Artemis took the wrapped up package out. She opened it and burst into tears. It was a gold ring with two diamonds on either side of an emerald. Inside the band read "you are my Spitfire". She said in between cries "Yes yes yes yes Wally yes I would have loved to marry you"

This only made her cry more and more, catching Bart's attention. He raced over and saw the ring. He started crying and muttered "I'm so sorry Artemis, I'm sososo sorry." Artemis put the ring on and hugged Bart, crying with him. She looked to the grave and said "I would love to be Artemis West. I miss you Wally, we all do, but not as much as Bart and I. I miss you..."

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