I Wonder why...

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Tim/Robin's POV

Images of after last nights mission ran through my head. Cassie, or Wonder Girl, got shot in her arm. I was given charge over giving her morphine and removing the bullet. Even though I'm a Bat, I somehow managed to give her triple the recommended amount, and you can guess what she said. I couldn't help but think it might be true, or just a past crush on me came to her mind while she was drugged. I was returning from the Cave's gym, when I hit something, or someone. "Hey! Watch it Boy Blunder!"

Out of everyone, why Cassie?! I got up and held my hand out to her, which she took. Her hand was so small and delicate. Once she was up, I apologised. "S-Sorry Cas. Got lost in my thoughts" "And what were you thinking about?" "Just whe worlds most wonderful gir..." I just managed to catch myself before I gave too much information. Her eyes lit up and and with as sway of her shoulders asked "...and who might she be?"

I couldn't help but notice hope in her voice. Mentally face-palming I took her hand and dragged her to the surveillance room and brought up the med bay security footage. As the clip played through, I noticed Cassie's face burst red with embarrassment and covering her face in her hands repeating 'No' over and over. Grinning I slipped a slip of paper into her hand, saying;

8 o'clock at Demeter's Diner
Don't be late

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