I remember when...

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Kaldur/Aqualad's POV
The Team were all around the place in the Watchtower, and I was wondering what to do. There has been no calls for the last few days, but that's not the reason. I realised that The Team was having it's 6th anniversary today, and it seems that only I had remembered. I contacted all past members of The Team to come to the Watchtower, and not ten seconds had passes before I heard;
Red Hood-B13,
Lieutenant Marvel-B14,
Sergeant Marvel-B15,
I called everyone in to the game room. Once everyone was accounted for, I began.

Kaldur: "It has been 6 years since the Team was founded, and a lot had happened.
Superboy/Conner now has a true brotherly relationship with Superman and is beginning to develop his advanced Kryptonian powers.
Miss Martian/M'gann or Megan stepped up as team strategist while now also being the public spokesperson for the Justice League.
The First Robin grew up to become Nightwing and left to patrol Blüdhaven just under a year ago.
Artemis is now known to all as Tigress and is your training instructor.
Zatanna and Rocket/ Raquel are full Justice League Members but join us on missions every once and a while.
Speedy/Roy Harper is now Red Arrow, and has retired with his wife and child.
And then there is Kid Flash, or Wally....He....is no longer with us.

Kaldur:"Since that New Years party, there have been many members joining and leaving.
The first to join were Tula and Garth, friends of mine and La'gann, taking the name Aquagirl and Tempest respectively.
Next to join was aDonna Troy. She was Wonder Woman's first protégé and took up the name Troia.

Kaldur:"Then we witnessed an extraordinarily aggressive argument which coaxed Robin to leave and join a team known as the Teen Titans in Jump City. Batman then recruited a new Robin for The Team, Jason Todd, which caused some stress between certain a Spitfire and Baywatch!"

Tigress blushed and let a small smile out, making everyone laughs bit.

Kaldur:"Wally and Artemis resigned from The Team to pursue life at school and later university. We then welcomed 2 new side- I mean partners to the Zeta tube Designations, Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel. Now let's admit, everyone tricked them with the SHAZAM prank! Next to join was our very own Batgirl. Sadly a few months later, a battle against the Joker and The League of Assasins brought upon us the capture and death of Jason, a moments silence for our loss"

I had a good look around, and saw Batgirl wipe a tear.

Kaldur:"We then welcomed a friend of M'ganns to the team as Bumblebee. She helped the humour level rise after such a loss. A year passed during which Troia and the Marvels left to join Titans North, who are deep undercover in Antarctica. It cant get more ironic. At the end of that year, Aquaman surfaced with a new protégé, La'gann or Lagoon Boy.

Kaldur:"Over the next few weeks, the battles got tougher, with new extraterrestrial weaponry being used by The Light, and later brought the death of Tula. Myself and Tempest suffered most, having grown up with her in Poseidonis, Atlantis. A moments silence for her memory."

I had to hold back tears; she was my first love and I will mever forget that. I gave Tempest a pat on the back for comfort, as she was his girlfriend at the time.

Kaldur:"The loss of Tula and my realisation of my true father, Black Manta, opened up a new oppurtunity for us to take down the Light and find who their supplier is. Originally only Nightwing and I were to be involved, but that expanded later. Speaking of Nightwing, barely a week had passed since La'gann's arrival that our First Robin joined again, but with the identity of Nightwing. He also brought to us Garfield Logan, Beast boy, the adoptive brother of M'gann.

Kaldur:"I made the switch to The Light, which everyone took as a betrayal. I'm afraid I do not know who joined since so I ask Nightwing to continue please" I took a step back to give him some space.

Nightwing/Dick:"Thank you Kaldur. When you left, there were less and less missions. But when there were, they were tough. Batman took in a new protégé, the Third Robin followed by the arrival of Cassandra 'Cassie' Sandsmark, Wonder Girl. The Team changed a bit, members going solo for a bit but returning eventually. We welcomed Jamie Reyes, Blue Beetle, about 4 months after you left. Then we saw a strange visitor appear; Bart Allen, who first went as Impulse. After his daring entrance, that brought Kid Flash back to action, though he was fairly skeptical about 2 speedsters on the team."

Dick:"A week after, I believe you Kaldur informed us that you were appointed into the ranks of the Light"

Kaldur:"That is correct."

Dick:"And you needed help?"

Kaldur:"Not my exact words but along the lines of it yes. I needed a First Liutenant."

Dick:"So we saw our very own Artemis emerge into battle, and had her death faked. Thats when Conner, Wally and Artemis became involved with the plan. Many people wouldnt have believed that she had died, so Conner had to 'confirm' her death by saying he couldn't hear a heartbeat. She took the mantle of Tigress, and joined Kaldur in the Light Infiltration. Not long after did Mal Duncan officially join the team as Guardian, rather than stay and be our base opps. We then discovered a new clone in Project Cadmus, and found it was the original Roy Harper. He had his arm amputated for material towards his clones. He gained a new artificial mechanical arm and went as Aresnal.

Dick:"But he didnt stay long. I had him removed from The Team but he joined The Runaways. The Team stayed that way until the end of June. Th-The Reach had planted bombs around the globe and we had split up to disarm them. W-we were successful except... Except for one..."

Then something unexpected happened. Tigress stepped up and removed her mask, continuing from where Nightwing left dispite crying heavily.

Tigress:" I-It was in t-the North P-Pole. No Zeta be-beams reached that far so Im-Impulse and The Fl-Flash sped through, ran circles and w-with their sp-speed they made an energy b-barrier to save us. Wa...Wall... Wally went through to h-help them. He did bu-but he w-wasnt as fast as th-the other two. The-the energy siphoned off him... He didnt make it....."

And with that she was in M'ganns arms, both crying the worst. Everyone was in tears, including me, Conner and Nightwing. Everyone knew him and was familiar with his humour.

Kaldur:"I then rejoined The Team, Nightwing left to go solo in Blüdhaven, Impulse became the second Kid Flash and Artemis became Tigress. We saw Static joining the team and becoming Black Lightning's protégé. The Third Robin became Red Robin, and Batman introduced us with the Fourth, later Spoiler, and Fifth Robin's within a few months. The remaining Teen Titans joined us, they being Koriand'r/Starfire, Rachel Roth/Raven and Victor Stone/Cyborg.
Jason Todd was revealed to have been revived, and is currently using the mantle of Red Hood

Kaldur:"And that's The Team from Day One to today, our 6th anniversary. I thank you for your time and now if you would please follow me to the new wing of the Watchtower, I've a little surprise for you all."

I led them out of the game room of the watchtower to the new wing; a new Living quarters, bedrooms, and Zeta tube with a list of all members, Past and Present from the first day to now. The list is as follows;

B01 - Robin I/Nightwing
B02 - Aqualad
B03 - Kid Flash
B04 - Superboy
B05 - Miss Martian
B06 - Speedy/Red Arrow
B07 - Artemis/Tigress
B08 - Zatanna
B09 - Rocket
B10 - Tempest
B11 - Aquagirl
B12 - Troia
B13 - Robin II/Red Hood
B14 - Lieutenant Marvel
B15 - Sergeant Marvel
B16 - Batgirl
B17 - Bumblebee
B18 - Lagoon Boy
B19 - Beast Boy
B20 - Robin III/Red Robin
B21 - Wonder Girl
B22 - Blue Beetle III
B23 - Impulse/Kid Flash II
B24 - Guardian
B25 - Arsenal
B26 - Static
B27 - Robin IV/Spoiler
B28 - Robin V
B28 - Starfire
B29 - Raven
B30 - Cyborg

I wouldn't change anything about this team, my family.

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