A Change of Events

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Wally couldn't take it anymore. The pain was too much.

"Oh man, my parents are so going to kill me. And don't get me started on Artemis!"

He slowly started to fade, vibrating.

"Kid! Don't-"

"Just tell them, okay?"


And then he started to fade.

But Barry had enough. The Team has suffered too much loss. But they won't lose Wally.

He reached out and took hold of Wally, slowing down and holding him foreword, siphoning most of the energy from Wally into himself. Bart saw what was happening, and screamed.

"Forgive me Kid..." He sobbed, as he threw Wally out of the Reach MFD's range, granting Wally his full physical form but sending him skidding across the Arctic ice. He turned to Bart. "Impulse, it has been an honour. You have made me so proud. Tell Grandma Iris you lover, and also that I do. Now I apologise for this, but it's my job..."

Barry and Bart were both crying.

"Bartholomew Allen. My grandson. I love you..." Barry cried, a tear dropping from his mask's eye, before reaching out and taking Bart's momentum, sending him, too, across the ice. He closed his eyes as he ran faster than ever before.
He saw his life flash before him.
He saw his mother.
He saw his first time meeting Jay Garrick.
He saw the first time he met Iris.
He saw his graduation.
He saw the lightning hit him all those years ago.
He saw Wally for the first time again.
He saw his and Iris' wedding.

He saw every little moment from his birth until now. And he never regretted anything. Then he felt the energy take him, and this time he knew he wouldn't end up in the Speed Force.


Wally looked up and saw Artemis running towards him. He stood up and hugged her, before turning and getting hit by Bart. Taken back, he asked what was wrong. "Grandpa....."

That's when Wally looked up.

Surely enough, there was an increasingly red streak surrounding the MFD. then a mix of light blue. And then an explosion. Snow rose up everywhere, and a shockwave knocked everyone back. Bart and Wally pulled their goggles down, hoping for a sign of Barry. Bart's eyes widened and he stumbled back, looked at Artemis and latching himself to her, roaring his soft heart out. Wally slowly took a step towards the rubble, followed by another, leading into a jog, before dropping to his knees.

In front of him lay something he couldn't believe.

Something he always wanted, but now would do anything to not have it.

It was just there.

A crimson suit and a lightning bolt ring.

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