Chapter T W O

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Haeun POV
Agh this bus is stuffy ;-; it smells like sweat too ewww. At least I got a seat next to the window. Nice and comfortable. The bus is pretty packed... I hope no one sweaty decides to sit next to me... I'm close to falling asleep when I feel someone sit down next to me. I glance at them..its a boy omfg help..he's so cute...and hot...wait. What am I saying? Stop thinking about boys Haeun bad girl. -.-

Jungkook POV
First day of school -.- I hate this bus it's too stuffy. I can't be asked to stand.. Aha! I spy a seat! It's a seat next to a beautiful girl..She's wearing the same uniform as me hu hu.. She looks like she's falling asleep..she's so cute! Ugh Jeon Jungkook stop being weird -.- oh well I'll just sit next to her seeing as it's the only seat ;-)

Author POV
Another 5 minutes of the two awkward students sitting next to each other and they arrived at school. Haeun got her timetable and student card and rushed to her class, wanting to be early.

Jungkook POV
Wow I finally arrived at's so big ahaha. Better go and get my student card and my timetable and other things before I'm late. I slowly check my timetable, I mean what's the ru- I see a clock..DAMMIT IT'S 07:57 AND CLASS STARTS AT 8AM..gotta run :c
I arrived phew it didn't take that long xD I check my phone- 07:59. Just in time Kookie he he good job. Lucky I'm fast. I open the door.. And see that girl who I sat next to on the bus! She's sitting by herself at a desk near the back..should I sit next to her? Hmm..yeah I will

Haeun POV
I guess I'll just read till the bell goes then..after 15 minutes, I hear the door open for the, like ,30th time. Then I hear the screech of someone pulling the chair out to sit down...and it came from next to me 0.0 I looked to my right and saw the boy who sat next to me on the bus this morning. WhY mE again? oh well. I'll just er carry on reading and pretend he isn't there. The bell rang. A teacher came in and banged a pen on the teachers desk, and then started speaking. "SILENCE. Thank you. Now, my name is Mrs Song. I am your homeroom teacher. You will be coming to this room, every day for registration. You sitting at the middle desk! Don't think i can't see you," She said, pointing at a girl with a make up coated face. "Stop speaking whilst I am unless you want a detention with me after school for two hours." Well dayum. She means business..
"I will start registration period now. I will call out each of your names and you will stand up and introduce yourselves. I expect you all to be quiet whilst your classmates are speaking."
After a load of students it was me. I'm so nervous.. We're supposed to say what our full name, hobbies and birthday is. Well, here I go..

Jungkook POV
The girl sitting next to me stands up after Mrs Song says "Haeun!" She starts introducing herself. So her name is Kim Haeun, her hobbies are singing, dancing, drawing and reading and her birthday is the 12th of September? Woah we are kinda similar and her birthday's only 11 days after mine 0.0
After we did all the introductions Mrs Song said that we have to get to know our partners- the people who we sat next to. This is gonna be awkward..

Haeun POV
Introductions finished yayy. But now..we have to talk with and get to know our partners...OTOKE I turn to my right to see that Jungkook is staring at me..why is he staring at me? Is there something on my face? "Um is there something on my face or something..?" I asked him.
"Ani" He said. "You're pretty." OMF. Did he really just say that? I can feel myself blushing..ughhh I turn away, hoping he didn't see.

Jungkook POV
she's cute haha..I really want to hug her and pinch her cheeks right now. She's just too cute okay..I think..I think I'm starting to like her..

Author's note
Hahaha a very long chapter this time. How was it? I hope you enjoyed it. Well I did warn you already that this is my first ff and it'll be crap so xD but just so you know, I don't plan the chapters so I write off the top of my head..bad idea xD anyways, I'm going to write chapter 3 now xD annyeong,

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