Haeun's diary entry

978 36 1

Wow. So I'm here having the time of my life just lying on my bed playing crossy roads when I realize that I'm starting at a new school tomorrow. Shit. Wait. I haven't introduced myself properly yet, have I? Hehe sorry-I was stressing about how to pass the level of crossy roads I was on.
Anyway, here's a bit about myself. My name is Kim Haeun. My birthday is on the 12th of September and I am 17 years old. My mum passed away when I was nine from cancer. I'm glad she's in a better place. My dad used to abuse her. A lot. Sometimes he hit her because of me, because I cried a lot as a kid. She protected me and got the hits I should've got. He got arrested for getting in a massive fight and nearly killing some other drunk old man at the pub he went to almost every day, to drink and flirt with women. He wasn't always that bad, but ever since he got sacked from his job, he turned into a monster. I won't ever forgive him though. Apparently he got into another fight and killed one of his jail neighbours, and got sentenced for life. So technically I'm an orphan. But hey. I have my adoptive mum. I'm really thankful she chose to adopt me and not the other few dozens of adorable little kids at the care home. But enough with the morbidness. Let's talk about my hobbies. I love dancing and singing. I also like drawing and riding my bicycle because they help me to relax. I love food a lot, like a lot, lot but yeh. Wait, mum is calling.. It's dinner time! gotta feed myself with my mum's great bibimbap so bai bai~

Authors note:
Okay so that was just Haeun writing an entry in her new notebook xD because I wanted to let you know a bit about her without me just telling you. There probably won't be anymore diary entries so don't worry -author nim

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