Question & Answer

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Question & Answer

From @armitageforever:

-To Kili: Did Tauriel ever find out if you had anything in your trousers or was there truly nothing there?

    I ACTUALLY HAD A KNIFE IN MY TROUSERS!  But it wasn't much help in releasing me from that forsaken prison, since a knife isn't a key and the only guard to pass by my cell was Tauriel.  I am surely glad I didn't take my chances at stabbing about bad first impressions with your significant other.  On the other hand, this question could always be one of cheeky intentions, which I intend to answer.  Yes, Tauriel did find out I had something in my trousers sometime after our wedding.  If you cannot take that hint, you don't deserve my cheekiness.

-To Erudian: Frerin is the cutest baby on the planet.  That being said, can I babysit?

    Aww, you're too sweet!  I'd like to say his cuteness comes from me, but alas, Frerin is a carbon copy of Thorin.  You seem like a nice person (and an excitable one at that), so sure, you can babysit!  Just make sure you keep him away from the nephews and their pranks!  Also, if any harm comes to him, I'll burn you to ash.  But other than that, go and have fun!


    Despite my earnest intentions to keep you away from my heir, Rue insists upon giving you a chance.  Never will I understand her faith in humanity, namely fangirls, but she has a tight leash on what I can command.  Rue's scary (don't tell her I said that).  Take Frerin as you will, but remember any pain that comes to him will come thrice onto you.

-To Fili: When Frerin grows up, you and Kili should teach him how to pull pranks, especially on Thorin.  Then just pin the blame on Kili and run as fast as you can.

    That was always the intention: to teach Frerin to be a pain in Thorin's backside...However, the plan did not go as expected.  Frerin was seemingly inborn with mischief in his bones, which he put to use as soon as he could crawl.  On more than one occasion, I have awoken to insects in my bed and pudding in my hair.  Of course, both of his parents blame me and Kee, which is 100% understandable in every other case.  But, we did not teach him anything of mischief and are pranked on a daily basis by Thorin's son.  Don't underestimate'll regret it!

From @eme_the_writer123

-To Kili: What happened with Typhon II? He is definitely more your son, Tauriel.

    I would tell you that I secretly have a nerdy side, but you seem like a smart chipmunk and I am a rubbish liar.  Typhon II is exactly like his mother and I love him for it.  He is far greater in understanding than I could ever wish to be.  He is the best son I could ever dream of having.  Indeed, to have another rascal within this family would a little too much, especially in Erudian's eyes.

-To Sidel: What got you interested in a man like Boromir?

    From an outsider's point of view, Boromir appears to be an ignorant and irritable idiot of enormous moodiness.  To an insider, he is, indeed, exactly this.  To be sure, Boromir is the most offensive company I've ever come in prolonged contact with, and if I had a choice in love, he'd surely be my last option.  But as the Valar works, I could not help falling in love with the Gondorian doofus.  Despite all his flaws, he is a man of great morality and selflessness that I can only help to mirror.  Plus, he knows I will kill him if he looks at me wrong...We'll be together forever.



So here's the question and answer you've been waiting for! If there are any further questions in reference to this book or the sequel, just let me know and I'll update this post with the new information.

As for the media attached, PLEASE VOTE WHICH COVER YOU WANT FOR THE SEQUEL. As you can probably tell, I was bored a few days ago and decided to make like ten covers for the sequel. So, now I need you help. If you can vote for your favorite in the comments, I'd be very grateful!

In a few hours, I will post the sequel to Saving Durin with a temporary cover until the votes are tallied. The Preface and Chapter I should be posted in conjunction with it, the latter of the two being narrated by Erudian for continuity sake. From Chapter two and thenceforth, Pyrhhin will be narrating.

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments on Saving Durin! When the sequel is posted, I will let you all know by updating this story, then clicking "Complete"...this is way too emotional.

Please vote and comment! Love you all!



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