A Wolf For A Wolf

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Katrina slammed the door, with such a force it shook her floor and knocked a candle from her night stand. She hadn't felt this angry in a long, long time.

This was serious. If Sansa didn't trust her then Lord Eddard would have very little say in the matter, she could lose her job. She could lose her protection. But who was Sansa to control her? She had no idea what she was capable of...

All Kat could do was pace, old memories flowing through her head and hurting her heart as the fear of being alone again quickened her breath and sent her fingers shaking.

An hour had passed, when from out her window she heard the return of the Stark brothers and their father, Peter amongst them.

The twisting sensation of dread only increased, Kat couldn't lose her protection here, it would mean her death.

Suddenly, a soft knock at her door snapped her out of her spiral of thought.

"Come in?" She called reluctantly, completely expecting Lord Eddard to enter and explain to her that she just couldn't continue being Sansa's hand maiden. But when the door creaked open, Bran stumbled in.

"Little lord!" Kat sighed with relief, "What can I.." She drifted away from her sentence as she noticed the bundle of fur in Bran's arms

"Are those?"

"Direwolves!" he said excitedly. Katrina froze in wonder, as one of the pups peered out from Brans embrace. She hasn't seen a direwolf in so long...

"We found them, their mother had been killed. But father let us save the pups! So now me and all my brothers and sisters have one each!" He could barley contain his pride in his new furry companion, as he passed the second one to Kat.

"So who does this little one belong to?" She asked, looking at the pup she held. Her fur shone silver, and Kat couldn't help but grow melancholic as more memories enveloped her mind.

"That's why I came up here" Bran explained, "That one is Sansa's. We all wanted you to give her to her, to see if she forgave you" he shrugged and Kat chuckled softly.

"Thank you Bran, I don't see how she can stay mad once I show her this little one". Bran giggled and nodded, before running out the room with his furry friend. Kat held up Sansa's pup, the sun rays bouncing off her soft grey fur. 

Dire wolves held a special place in Kats heart.

"I think your mummy is angry at me" she said in a silly voice to the still half asleep pup,
"But I also think you can help me with that, am I right?" The pup yawned making Kat laugh,
"Well come on then, let's go see her". Cradling the pup, Katrina once more went to Sansa's chamber where she knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" she heard Sansa ask.

"It's... Katrina m'lady. May I come in?" There was no reply, so she went in anyway. Sansa was facing away from her looking out the window, so she hasn't seen the pup yet.

"What do you want?" she said in a flat tone.

"I've brought you a little something" said Kat, feeling a little excited despite the situation. Sansa turned her head slightly, and once she saw the pup in Katrina's arms she just couldn't help herself.

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