Chapter 44

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~Sebastian's POV~

"We've stayed here far too long" I finally broke the calm collected silence, feeling Luna's head rise from my chest.

"You want to leave? Now?"

"Luna, we're led in a garden of fucking daisy's while our friends are out there"

"You're still healing Seb, you've got one eye for goodness sake!"

"By staying here, I'm putting my mother in danger and I won't have that"

I glance down to see Luna's bright blue eye staring up at me, "She won't like you leaving, you left once before and she didn't think she'd get you back"

"We'll come back Luna, we'll come back with your brother who can charm the pants off of her with jokes and that witty smile of his"

She laughed against me, silver hair flying into her mouth. "I miss him, Gods I miss that idiot"

"We'll go find him, we'll all come back together and mother will serve us a banquet" I smiled at the thought, "We'll be a family again"

I forced myself up by my elbows, scratching at the patch over my eye socket as Luna sighed in somewhat content. "I'm going to have to tell her"

"Right behind you Seb, as always"

I groaned, glancing at the silhouette of my mother bustling around the kitchen. I had to be cruel to be kind.

The creak of the old willow door made mother turn to face me, a smile breaking across her pudgy face. I smile back, feeling like a child whenever in her presence.

"You finished sleeping in the flower beds?" She chuckled, waving at Luna through the window. "Gods it's so good to see you both at such ease, I can't imagine what horrors they put you through"

"I don't want to imagine the horrors, I just want it all to go away mother"

She looked up from the mixture she was stirring, just in time to see a tear fall from my eye.

"Oh my son" She cooed, taking me in her arms. She was a good two heads shorter than me now, but nevertheless I embraced her.

"It's going to be alright now, look on the bright side! You made so many friends by joining that war, you became such a man"

"They're still looking for us mother... they won't stop"

"We'll just let them try and come in here, they'll have to deal with the business end of my frying pan if they do"

I laughed slightly, then took a deep breath. "Mother... Luna and I are leaving"

I had no choice but to watch her look up at me, her eyes already swimming with tears and I could see the fear of a mother in her face.

"Leave? Y-you can't leave! They're looking for you Sebastian they-"

"They will find us if we stay in one place for too long, and if they find us here... they'll kill you"

I kneeled down and let my hands hug her shoulders tight, "I won't let them hurt you, this won't be goodbye we simply can't stay here for all our sakes"

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