Chapter 35

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~Bowen's POV~

His entire body was shaking, from fatigue? From fear? He didn't know. Hell he could barely remember what the fuck had just happened. All he knew was he was alive, but whether that was a good thing... he was about to find out.

Why the fuck have I been spared he thought, looking around him. He was in the hall, the hall.

So this is where shit kicked off?

In front of Bowen were three corpses, burnt and broken. He knew who they were.

King Robb, Queen Talisa and Lady Catelyn.

Their bodies were only partly burnt, as a body takes hours to fully cremate. Yet their fine clothes were gone, now ash around their naked bodies which were seriously lacking flesh. The sight made Bowen sick to his stomach, and something told him that his... friends wouldn't like to see this.

The hall itself reeked of burning flesh, blood still covered the floor and there he was, on his knees with his captures holding him down.

He was pretty damn scared, terrified even. But who the fuck wasn't right now apart from-

A door to the back of the hall suddenly burst open, and out they came.

Walder Frey and Roose Bolton.

They practically skipped down the hall towards them, looking extremely proud of themselves. He couldn't see why though, sure they just murdered about twenty thousand people but, they were both pretty fucking ugly. So there was that.

"Only one left eh?" Grinned Walder Frey, clasping his hands together.

"We thought you'd like to question this one my lord" spoke one of the Frey soldiers.

"Aye? And why's that?"

"We saw him with those wolf people before... they escaped"

A secret smirk appeared on Bowen's face at the look on Walder and Roose's.

"They... escaped? You let them escape!" Roose bellowed, his triumphant glow extinguished.

"It all happened so fast, my Lord... If we send out some men we could-"

"Those children were in shock, outnumbered and peppered in arrows... and you say it all happened so fast?"

The soldiers shuffled their feet, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"And this one... he was with them?" Asked Walder, his eyes now fixed on Bowen.

"Sorta hang around, yeah" he shrugged, the fact they had escaped was enough for him now. House Stark had a chance, so they could take his head now and be done with it.

"Where did she go?" Roose asked abruptly, "Where is she!"

His voice was riddled with panic, and Bowen wondered why...

"That girl, she was close to Robb. Extremely close Walder I told you, I warned you! Said she'd put up a fight, and now she's out there... she won't rest until she has revenge"

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