Chapter 1

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"Eva!" Alpha Jace yelled at me whilst I was dashing straight for the forest.

All the females of the pack had been called to the main land I had overheard the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack was coming to 'visit'. I hated being put under the protection of another pack, it just made me feel weak.

I quickly shifted into my wolf form.

'Not a good idea sweetheart,' muttered my wolf Cynthia in the back of my head.

I just rolled my eyes and ran until I couldn't anymore. I shifted back into human, naked but I didn't care, I wouldn't stop panting so I started to panic when sirens went off. I could hear howls, thousands of howls but there was one that stood out, the proud and strong howl. Alpha Asher Lance.

After a brief moment the howls stop. I laid down on the grass and listened to the forest and quietly stopped panting. I smelled cinnamon it reminds me of the sweet treat, cinnamon buns.

I snapped out of the trance. I took a long and deep breath but still wasn't ready to face Alpha Jace or my pack after running away from Alpha orders. I ran my fingers through my hair and just stomped my feet in frustration. I gave up on trying to come to a conclusion and just decided to hide in the wheat farm. Typical me.

Shifting back I strolled back at a snail like pace hoping to buy enough time to think. Taking caution to anyone who could pick my scent up I rolled in mud and dirt dirtying my white coat. Of all colours I could have turned out it had to be white earning me the nickname Northern Wind which was annoyingly stupid being nicknamed. I hit my head against the tree trying to calm myself down but all that did was give me a headache.

'Someones coming,' Cynthia cautioned me.

I didn't care considering it was probably-

"Eva!" I was cut off by a seething man, none other then Alpha Jace looking me dead in the eye.

I stood there in wolf form and tilted my head slightly taunting him but only I'll know I'm taunting him. This caused him to believe I was clueless and helpless. Typical.

"Shift," he glared at me "Now!"

I shifted full aware of being completely naked. Alpha Jace threw me his shirt and I easily slipped it on. Now don't mistaken we're mates, he has a mate already who sadly is my Luna. Honestly a disgusting woman.

"Hi!" I said annoyingly cheerful.

He arched an eyebrow and grabbed the back of my neck dragging me back to the pack grounds.

"Ow! Ow! Jace stop you're hurting me."

He didn't care, like everyone who didn't care about me and only pitied me. Orphan little me was what people thought of me, not the independent woman I want to be. Just kidding that sounds cheesy. I honestly just want to be free I didn't care about a mate or my pack, I know that sounds cruel but its the sad reality.

"Soooooo Jace when you gonna let me goooooooo," Obviously making it clear I was annoying him by dragging out the o.

"Alpha Jace may I correct you," he glared at me using his Alpha tone.

Once we arrived back to the pack grounds all heads turned including the Luna's.

"Jace! Why is this scum wearing your shirt!" she yelled waving her arms everywhere like a mad woman.

"Wow so typical of you Crissy," I snickered a little and rolled my eyes my voice obviously covered by sarcasm.

"Look sweetheart I was just bringing her back and she was in wolf form and I couldn't bring a naked girl back people would think I banged her in the forest," Jace whispered loud enough so I could hear too.

"Ahem so Alpha Jace would you please let me go now because my neck is about to snap in half!" I said with obvious sass laced in my voice and to top it off I added one of those sassy faces.

"I want my shirt back," he sternly said.

"And me to walk around naked? Okay if you say so," I slowly started peeling the shirt off when he stopped me.

"Just keep it!" he sighed furious with me.

He was obviously too busy gathering the woman in the main land where the wolves trained to even bother with my attitude. Crissy stared daggers. I just shrugged and laughed while walking away.

"I didn't say you could leave Eva!" Jace commanded me with his Alpha voice.

"Stop causing so much trouble for me!" he yelled and the whole pack turned heads.

Realization hits me.  All I was, was trouble.

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