Chapter 26

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I stretched myself out hearing bones crack in multiple places, I cuddled back into Asher's chest. I felt the droplets of rain trickle down my cheek, I smiled and savoured the perfect moment.

I immediately jumped into the shower when I got home, it's so weird calling it my home, a couple of months ago my home was a nasty pack filled with nasty people. I sighed and let all my muscles relax under the warm water, I got out and wrapped a snow white towel around my body tightly, looking one more time at the dress I started tugging at my hair hard out of frustration. I let out a loud scream.

"Eva!" Asher banged on the door and I froze.

"Sorry" I whimpered, he stopped banging and I could feel him relax from behind the door. I sighed at my quick save.

I slipped the dress on and it was really tight, it was literally squeezing the life out of me. I sucked in my stomach and looked in the mirror at my damp blonde hair. I played with my hair for awhile before pulling a hair dryer out and started slowly drying my hair.

"Eva open the door!" Leah screeched from behind the door and my mood went sour at all the screeching. I opened the door trying my best to seem furious, I gave her my best glare but she only laughed.

Eden and Leah pulled me in front of a small makeup table in Eden's room which was Seth's room and the images just wouldn't stop. I shivered at the thoughts as Eden curled my straight hair and Leah applied too much makeup.

"Guys I really can't do this." I sadly looked down in shame. Eden and Leah looked at each other and started yelling incoherent things.

"Eva! You're gonna be a Luna!" Eden lectured my responsibilities.

"Eva you're such a baby!" Leah mocked me.

"Ugh!" I let out the most unladylike scream. I glared daggers at them both and left. I locked myself in my room.

It was 5:30pm and the party starts at 6:00pm I couldn't get the sinking feeling in my stomach to subside. I heard a knock on the door, Asher came in and his eyes immediately turned black, the gorgeous flecks of gold mesmerized me. I looked sadly at him and his mood switched.

"What's wrong?" He questioned while walking towards me and sitting down. He rubbed my back as I curled up.

"I-I can't do this." I fumbled over my words.

He looked at me and frowned.

"Eva, you're my mate, you're an Alphas mate, you can't live in fear anymore, no you are forbidden to live in fear like this." He lectured me.

I frowned at him and growled. He growled back and I could feel all the dominance in his growl, every single fibre in my body trembled and tingled. I met his chocolate brown eyes and got lost in them. I got up and started heading downstairs where everyone was gathered, I saw Eden, Leah, Bane, and Seth all waiting for us at the bottom of the steps.

"Where's Michael?" I asked Leah.

"He's outside waiting for us." She smiled happily. I smiled back as my courage was building because of them, I looked up at Asher and he was smiling. I took deep breaths as Leah and Eden began opening the doors.

Hundreds of people were gathered, some even from neighbouring packs and some from exquisite packs from far away places. I felt everyone's eyes on me, I saw Sophie glaring with everything she had. I smiled kindly at her.

The festive began as people started approaching me and congratulating me, throughout the whole thing Asher never let my hand go once, he gave me so much courage, he's given me freedom.

Jace and Crissy also attended, they held glasses of wine while they whispered about me in the corner of my eye, I simply smiled and continued to speak to the Alpha of the Whitestone pack, a very formidable pack, his Luna was stunning it makes me wonder if I can fulfill my duties.

I met many kids of the pack, each were so different and fascinating, speaking to them made me think they were my own children.

My nose twitched and I soured immediately as Sophie scares all the kids off with her hideous screams.

I can feel my whole body itching to claw her, and the night was only beginning.

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