Chapter 13

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I buried my head deeper into Bane's chest.

This sucks.

The feeling of being all alone, the feeling of wherever you go no one will want you. Even if you leave somewhere else nobody will believe you or love you.

This is what I feel right now, I'm just unwanted.

"You'll be okay Eva." Bane whispers to me.

I nod quietly not believing a word he says, Leah and Eden watch me with pity. Seth continues to disregard me. I quickly pick myself up, I tell everyone goodbye and leave before Asher could get to me again. I feel so stupid, I was suppose to be the one controlling him and I ended up heartbroken again.


I sit in fluffy pants sulking, the pain rips at my heart and raindrops drum my window.

I hear a knock on the door. I forced myself to get up only to open the door to a soaking wet Asher. I go blank.

"What." I deadpan.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm great."


She gives me dead eyes.

The life was being sucked out of the beautiful flower I had first met, the flurry of colours in her eyes are gone and replaced with void eyes.

I could feel the pain eating away from her. I pulled Eva into a hug but she pushed me back, I pulled her with all my strength causing her to crash into my chest giving in. Her warm breath tickles my neck as she stops resisting me, she breaks down and starts crying.

"I'm sorry Eva." I whisper soothing her.


I don't resist Asher knowing it would be pointless. I cry and cry into his arms hoping it'll go away. The urge to stay like this forever is overwhelming, damn my wolf side.

A part of me knew he was only doing this out of pity but a part of me really just wanted to stay like this forever. I yearned for him.

Something came over me, I lost control of myself for a split second. Sparks flew as my lips moved softly against Asher's, every inch of my body twitched in excitement.

** Asher's POV **

Eva's smooth lips sealed the deal. I cared for this girl, the girl who lost everything, who restlessly fights for her existence. Every sense in my body heightened, I pushed Eva against the wall letting my hands travel freely over every perfect curve of her body.

Breaking from the kiss, we were breathless and awed by each other. Her eyes full of life, her pale pink lips. Every part of her is perfect.

"I don't know what happened, something just came over me I'm sorry," Eva backed away and spoke softly.

I scared her?

Enough was enough.

I left slamming the door behind me.

** Eva's POV **

Asher left.

I felt lonely again but after that kiss I wasn't sure of myself, I doubted myself. I wanted him so badly but I knew I wasn't right for him.

I ran my hand through my strands of dull blonde hair, feeling disgusting I go for a shower. Cold water enveloped me, repeated droplets drummed against my back. I hit my head against the tile thinking of how stupid I was for kissing that disgusting piece of crap. A part of me wanted to see him again, that part I called Cynthia.

All that ran through my head was Sophie, and more Sophie, and occasional anger. How could he right? Having carefree sex all he wants like a spoiled brat. I turned the shower off realizing my water bill would probably max out.

Living in a little house on my old pack grounds wasn't too bad, its better then the constant drama back at the pack house.

Jace had come once and awhile to persuade me to go back to Asher just to keep good relationship with their packs. I hadn't eaten in awhile so I dined on a feast of apples and a small
salad, fancy I know.

I was living the luxurious life back at home hauling water buckets and running away from the Alpha. Nothing has changed much since I had left, my pack is still slowly deteriorating.

Its so sad, not as sad as my life though.

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