【Three Days | Kageyama Tobio】

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It's been two months since you and Kageyama broke up.

It just, the relationship couldn't work out anymore.

Kageyama was too busy, and when he'd be free, you were busy.

You guys barely met up anyways, so you decided to throw the relationship away.

It hurt a lot, but you couldn't take it anymore.

Ever since then, you could see a dejected aura surround Kageyama every time he saw you.

You once even heard Daichi talking to Sugawara about Kageyama- he wasn't playing like he used to anymore.

You shrugged it off, seeing as it wasn't any of your business and it probably wasn't even connected to you.

One day, some guy asked you on a date.

Just one, quote unquote.

You accepted, seeing as the guy really wanted to.

Little did you know that a certain raven haired boy was watching- and it put him way off the hook.


You were on your way to the gates of Karasuno, fixing your (h/c) hair and smoothening out your skirt when someone approached you from behind.

"Kageyama! You shocked me!" you laughed hysterically. "What are you doing here? Do you need help?"

"Actually (F/N)-chan... I do," the boy spoke.

"What is it?" you ask and check your wristwatch, seeing you still had 10 minutes before you'd have to go to the school gates to meet your date. (dat rhyme doeee)

"Three days. I will prove that I am something and worth it to you. Give me another chance and three days. And then if you still will dismiss me, I will stop bothering you," he said straight-forwardly.

"You're so interesting you tsundere~ but I have a date in a while so I have to go," you bowed and continued on your way.

Hearing that there'd already been another guy falling for you fired Kageyama up thrice as much as when he started.

There wasn't any way that he'd let you go so easily.

Day One | Text Messages

You woke up to the sound of your phone beeping.

Apparently, someone had sent you bunch of text messages.

To: (F/N) ~ •w•
Fr: Kageyama ( ' ' )
Subject: wake up
Hi (F/N)! It's almost time for school and I'm pretty sure you're still asleep. Wake up already!

You smiled at the text.

He wasn't playing around, was he?

Oh how he knew you loved to be greeted in the morning, but at the same time, he still woke you up pretty early and that didn't please you so much.

To: Bakageyama! (`∧')
Fr: (F/N) _φ( ̄ー ̄ )
Subject: you woke me up!
nice try, but you left out the very important fact that i also hate being woken up early.

To: (F/N) ~ •w•
Fr: Kageyama ( ' ' )
Subject: haha whoops
sorry f/n!~ see you at school then~

He was such a try-hard.

You yawned and got out of bed groggily, grabbed your uniform and headed out.

After showering, you made yourself a light to-go breakfast and headed out.

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