【 Dance under the Stars | Sugawara Koushi 】

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Tonight was the night of the Spring Dance, somewhat like prom, but not exactly.

As you excitedly fixed your hair, your head swarmed with thoughts of the event, making your heart go all over the place.

Your best friend begged to do your make-up, and you agreed, as long as she didn't overdo it.

The two of you were silently getting ready, only because both of your thoughts were too filled with thoughts of the event.

You were both planning on going stag, having only each other to survive the night.

This was of course, due to your bad socializing skills and your awkward perks that were really considered flaws to you.

When you were done getting ready, your best friend was speechless at how pretty you were, your dress and all.

Your (Favorite Color) dress fell down to just below your knees, complimenting your shoes.

It was a beautiful dress, the one you were wearing; it was perfectly tailored to match you, and indeed it made you feel very pretty.

"How do I look?" you smiled, twirling around your room gleefully.

"Amazing. You're going to make every other girl there feel like their dresses are trash once you step in the party," she answers, proud because she did your oh-so-fabulous make-up.

"Man, I still really want to wear my sweater and my sneakers," you sigh, looking at the two items that were placed neatly on your shelf.

"Are you kidding me? Don't even try to take off those shoes and replace them with your old sneakers. Come on, (F/N)-chan. You look way too pretty for that," she says, staring straight into your eyes.

"Oh well. Anyways, you go on ahead downstairs, I'll just grab my bag and head out right after you," you nod, motioning for her to go on ahead.

She follows your request and grabs her purse, rushing down the stairs of your home and out the door.

You grabbed your bag and looked at the doorway to make sure your best friend was out of sight before stuffing your sneakers and your jacket in your bag, smiling.


"Bye guys, have fun okay? Text me or call me if you need me. Oh and what time will you guys finish?" your mom waves to you and your best friend.

"We'll be out by 11, is that okay?" you wave back.

"Yeah. Bye guys, have fun!" your mom cheers before closing the window and driving off.

The loud music and the fancy lights had welcomed you and your best friend.

You both shared a glance and a giggle before heading in.

A lot of students were already there, dancing and having fun.

The both of you had started getting embarrassed because as of the moment, you both were the only girls without dates.

You exchanged another look and nodded, having the same idea of hogging the food table, finding a table, and sitting down before anyone had approached you.

As you both made your way to the food table, you had a hard time scooting because of the many people crowding the way.

You had mumbled at least 20 "excuse me's" to at least 20 different people, all dancing with their dates.

When you finally reached the food table, you sighed and stopped for a bit to catch your breath.

"We made it," you panted, resting an arm on the wall, leaning towards the side.

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