Trying to Read Here, People!

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Okay, so something happened yesterday that's another disadvantage to my ticker-tape synesthesia.

My family went shopping and at one store, my mom just had to go in and get a few things, so my sister, my dad and I waited in the car. While we were waiting, I was reading on my phone. But then my dad started singing along to the song on the radio. So my captions showed what he was singing as I was reading, and it was hard to read JUST the words on the phone screen. On top of that, the font I'd been using was the default mobile Wattpad font -_-

The radio volume was pretty low, so I could've shielded myself from THAT, but my dad was right there, so, I couldn't ignore him. I asked my dad to stop singing, and he did for awhile, but then he started singing again. I kept trying to get him to stop, but as a joke, he kept singing. I didn't want to tell him what the real issue was, of course, so what could I have done? It was so frustrating. Now, there could have been a way to improve the situation slightly by switching over my captions font to what I'm using now, MS Reference Sans Serif, because it was what I like to call "on file." The design was fresh in my memory, like Comic Sans is. But if someone's talking while I'm trying to change my font, the designs can easily clash, and THAT would NOT be good.

Eventually, he stopped, and I was at peace. But a few minutes later, he started up again so I just gave up.

WHY? Why, synesthesia? WHY?

And right now, my brain wants to use the font I have here on Google Docs for what I'm hearing on my TV, which I need to turn down or I'll end up typing one of the words I hear. #STRUGGLE

I need another ticker-tape synesthete in real life to be able to talk to. I NEED SOME SUPPORT :P

Well, that's all for now.

Keep bee-lieving :P

~Bee-liever Apple

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