Ear Infections

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So, did any of you chromesthesia synesthetes have chronic ear infections when you were little? 'Cause apparently that's all connected.

My English teacher recently gave me a book called "Born on a Blue Day", which is the autobiography of Daniel Tammet, a savant with Asperger's. In it, I read about how he has synesthesia, and he got lots of ear infections when he was little.

I had chronic ear infections when I was little, though I don't remember them very much. But ya know, I've got chromesthesia, so that's like, A COINKYDINK.

I've done research on it, and I remember when I did this thing called the Synesthesia Battery where synesthetes answer questions anonymously for synesthesia research, and I marked that I had chromesthesia (amongst the other types, but ticker-tape was not included, so I had to write it in the additional box), and later I got a question asking if I had chronic ear infections as a child.

So, whatcha guys thinkin'? Connections? No? K?

Keep bee-lievin' :{D

~Bee-liever Apple

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