
321 24 31

I realized I haven't even told you guys many of the colors of numbers or their personalities. So, let's do that now :D

1 - White, but typically has a hint of gray. Male.

2 - A pale pink. I think male, but possibly unspecified gender. Strange... Anyways, seems to be a nice person and is, on occasion, wise about things.

3 - A pale lavender kind of color. I always found this one's color hardest to explain. Female. Nice. Similar to 2. Like a brother to 4.

4 - Forest green. Male. Nice. That helping-out kind of person... or number.

5 - A kind of cheese orange color, but it's not the complete orange color, like, kind of like Tostitos Salsa con Queso, but if you searched up a picture, it probably wouldn't look the same. Male. Cool guy.

6 - A dark red. Female. Fierce. Warrior lady type.

7 - Yellow. Another unspecified gender number. Nice. Shy.

8 - A bluish gray color. Female. Wise. Strict kind of person. Not very friendly, but the kind of person (number) with that experience and helps people out when they need it most. 

9 - Pale brown. Female. Perky and adventurous. Does all she can to make the best of things, but sometimes not so upbeat. Acts like a sister to 8 :)

So, yeah. That's the basic personalities and colors of numbers to me. For multi-digit numbers, the colors either blend or one dictates the others. The personalities seem to blend as well.

Keep bee-lieving! :{D

~Bee-liever Apple

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